Ask not what your country can do for you, but how you can help your country procrastinate. –Ernessa T. Carter If you can, try not to quote yourself. It only makes you look like a self-involved asshole. –Ernessa T. Carter So Willkommen, Willkommen* to the Fierce and Nerdy blog. This is the first, and probably last, Sunday post that you’ll ever read on this blog, unless there’s some huge breaking newsy sort of thing that we just have to post on. But for the most part, Fierce And Nerdy will be a weekday blog for fellow fierce And nerdy people like ourselves. If you need an explanation of what fierce and nerdy is, then you’re probably either only fierce or nerdy and not both, but hopefully you’re enough of one or the other to enjoy this blog. And don’t worry the Fierce and Nerdy blog will definitely make you more of both. Feel free to quote Fierce and Nerdy on that. Fierce and Nerdy will also introduce you to music you’ll want to download, points of view that you’ll want to consider, and advice that you’ll want to take. Fierce And Nerdy is basically your best friend — but you know, much more fiercer and nerdier. Fierce and Nerdy will also decrease your taxes by at least 15%, so work that savings into your 2009 budget — not really. But Fierce and Nerdy is willing to make promises that it can’t possibly keep if you read it. That’s how much Fierce and Nerdy likes you. So please take that into consideration before refusing to give Fierce and Nerdy your number, because Fierce and Nerdy will be crushed, just crushed if you reject it. Fierce and Nerdy promises that most of its blog posts will...