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TBE: Contraction Time
Just a blog to say that I’ve started having contractions, so my posts from now on will be shorter and a lot less pithier.
Contractions don’t just hurt. They also come with the twin sensations of period cramps and the feeling that you really, really have to poo. Not cool, man, not cool.
No word on what this means for the whole pitocin plan since they can’t properly check my progress until 6am b/c of the cervidil.
So far I’ve cried b/c I now can’t believe I ever said a mean word to my mother when she went through this to have me, and I’ve told CH the history of every bike that I owned as a kid.
This is all rather epic, fascinating and unpleasant. I seriously can’t wait for my effin epidural, and I’m rather unkindly thinking that women who choose to forego them are insane. It took me like 6 contractions to write this. 2 and a half hours until I can ask for an epidural.