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The ABCs of Movie Monsters [Procrastinate on This]
I really can’t get enough of these film-themed ABC videos. They’re like a trivia gift for film geeks.
Help me out with this one please. I guessed every one except H, I, Q, U, and Z. So let me know if you got any of those five in the comments.
[via Likecool]
Z is a zombie fo sho. H has the Halloween music playing behind it, but the monster isn’t named “Halloween”, so confused on that one. U is uruk-hai, also known as Orcs. I was stumped by “O”. Who is that?
When I have a moment, I’m going to have to go scour the internet for the answer to “O.” H does feels like a bit of a cheat, doesn’t it? And I’m in love with the fact that you got U.
O is Orca the killer whale
Yes! Now I know them all! Thanks, Christian!