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The Betty Experience: Showing Betty New Things

I got a labor pedi yesterday, and CH took this picture with his new camera, which he drove all the way to Long Beach to get on Thursday, b/c he wanted to make sure he had it before Betty got here. Don't worry, he won't be taking pictures during the actual delivery. Even I think that's TMI.

I got a labor pedi yesterday, and CH took this picture with his new camera, which he drove all the way to Long Beach to get on Thursday, b/c he wanted to make sure he had it before Betty got here. Don't worry, he won't be taking pictures during the actual delivery. Even I think that's TMI.

Nothing new to report. Angela is taking a much-deserved nap, since she left out at 6am this morning. CH has turned on The History Channel, and I’m returning all of my emails and syncing my phone for the last time pre-baby (I downloaded both Bat for Lashes albums after hearing an interview with her on NPR and thinking, “Hey, that would make great delivery room music!”). After I’m done with all of that, I think I’ll try reading more of my thick baby care book, since that always seems to put me to sleep. Poor Betty.

She’s squirming big time right now, but not in a way that says, “Hey, I would like to come out.”

My co-worker said that I shouldn’t think of my upcoming induction as forcing Betty out but as showing her the first of many new things.

Still weirdly calm. However, I am suspicious that this feeling will not last.

T – ~6 Hours til I report to the hospital