We Don’t Need Netflix. Or do we? [On The Contrary]
About a month ago, the video rental and streaming subscription service Netflix announced that it was nearly doubling its charges for its most popular subscription plan from $7.99 a month to $15.98. Upon hearing this news, we all went ballistic. I certainly did. I’ve been a loyal customer for years, and now they want to raise my rates simply because they can? Well, screw you, Netflix! How about I just cancel my membership altogether? Suck on that!
This was my initial reaction. Of course with time I learned that the plan wasn’t really changing. I could keep getting the one disc at a time for the same price, or for the same price I could simply go without discs and have unlimited streaming of movies. I just had to pay more if I wanted to keep both. And I never actually signed up for both—I just got the free streaming when they added it for no additional price and soon found myself using it more than the discs I get in the mail. So really, they’ve been giving us something for nothing for a while, and now they just want to start charging for the extra stuff.
What I find interesting here is not the story of Netflix or iTunes or the New York Times, or any other Internet content provider that suddenly decides it needs to charge more for its material. What is interesting is how it feels like such a violation to us as consumers—a betrayal of charging more for our basic content consumption necessities. Yes, necessities. Because with most forms of entertainment today, especially entertainment that is regularly fed to us in our homes or on our mobile devices, things have evolved from being exciting frills to our lives to basic human needs.
Once upon a time, the necessities were simple—food and water, shelter, air, and the on a species level sex. Then we developed economies with money as a medium of exchange, and everything got much more complicated. Still, the necessities of life really remained mostly the same for centuries. Then came the modern age with its conveniences which seem to pile up and gain momentum exponentially, like my drunkenness while pounding vodka Red Bulls.
It’s interesting for people my age, because we’ve really ridden the crest of this change in conveniences. I just barely can remember life when we had one television in our house and an antenna that allowed us to get about 4 channels. I remember when we first got a microwave. Then a VCR. Then cable. And eventually, the Internet. Now all of these things are a given in modern middle class households. Sure, the VCR has given way to DVD and computer streaming, and I know a few people who don’t bother with cable, but the Internet has become such a content provider that it is a cousin of cable. Some friends of mine proudly declare “I don’t have cable,” but I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t catch them without a high speed Internet connection.
Some things have become legitimate necessities for our work. It is expected that we are always reachable on cell phones, or that we have a computer with internet access for research or email correspondence. It’s hard to write a post for Fierce and Nerdy without a computer. But what about streaming video? Music? Video games? HBO original series? These things have become so important to some of us that paying the monthly bills feels no different than paying our rent or utilities. Where once they were a luxury, now they are a necessary part of life.
It’s kind of amazing how marketing, convenience, and just getting used to having something can transform a treat into something life sustaining. Before I joined Netflix in the mid-Aughts, I only rented movies sporadically every couple of months, and only when I felt moved to do so. There were plenty of things to see in the theater, and plenty of books to read in the meantime. When I joined, however, the convenience and steady flow of entertainment turned me into a binge viewer. Over time I developed moderation to my Netflix consumption, but like a microwave, I can no longer imagine life without the easy access to the content Netflix provides. Netflix entered my life and laid its eggs in my brain—eggs that hatched and now the parasitic larvae whisper to me that I need Netflix like I need oxygen. (A gross image I know, but addiction to consumption makes me feel kind of dirty.)
Of course I don’t need it. Or cable. Or an app on my iPhone that makes sounds like a lightsaber. Or even a microwave, really. But I feel like I do. And you probably feel like you do as well. Since we don’t have to hunt for food, raise crops, seek out water, or build shelters and fires, we need something to fill the time. So maybe entertainment is a necessity to our lives.
If that’s the case, Netflix is really sticking it to us with this cost increase when so many people are having such financial trouble. As a bleeding heart liberal, I think we need to institute a program for low-income families to support them in the rising costs of Netflix subscriptions. It’s the only way to insure equal access to the American dream for everyone.
Of course, it might be difficult to persuade this Congress to pass that. Maybe it would be better as a California ballot initiative. Prop 15.98?
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featured image credit: LauraFries.com
Oh my gosh, Joe. You summed this up so well for me. When the Netflix hike email came, we were like, “Well, I guess we have to pay this, b/c it’s not like we can live without Netflix.” I also, find the two 15 minute periods that I can’t use electronics on a plane a bit unbearable, and I’m always wondering how people raised children before iPhones and iPads. Seriously, how did our moms get anything done? I totally NEED my gadgets — just to parent.
I had the opposite reaction. After I did a cost breakdown of netflix v. Vidiots (our local video store) I decided we could do Vidiots 1 free movie a month plan and watch fewer movies during the month. We’re so busy lately that I would much rather sit on my roof with the husband, staring out at the ocean with a cold beer in my grubby paw than vacantly click through streaming movies I’d settle for at best. Plus Netflix handled this sooooo poorly, continuely, just one bad PR move after another. I liked the idea of them for awhile, but now they’re too big for their britches. #growingpains.
You have so much more energy than me. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve settled for movies as opposed to getting off our butts and going to video store. In Hawaii, we redboxed and that was just awful — such a limited selection that we ended up having an a bad movie challenge to see how many bad movies we could watch in the 12 days we were there. I will say that the Lava Flows my SIL made is what actually made this challenge fun.
I had the opposite reaction. After I did a cost breakdown of netflix v. Vidiots (our local video store) I decided we could do Vidiots 1 free movie a month plan and watch fewer movies during the month. We’re so busy lately that I would much rather sit on my roof with the husband, staring out at the ocean with a cold beer in my grubby paw than vacantly click through streaming movies I’d settle for at best. Plus Netflix handled this sooooo poorly, continuely, just one bad PR move after another. I liked the idea of them for awhile, but now they’re too big for their britches. #growingpains.
This blog is second in greatness only to the Restaurant Challenge show with Curtis Stone. Seriously, this we great, loved ever bit of it, and it hit on every nerve in the best of ways.
BUT…will we be getting updates to the netflix status as we did with the Soul Daddy restaurant?
This blog is second in greatness only to the Restaurant Challenge show with Curtis Stone. Seriously, this we great, loved ever bit of it, and it hit on every nerve in the best of ways.
BUT…will we be getting updates to the netflix status as we did with the Soul Daddy restaurant?
I’m sure Joe appreciates the compliment, but just to note, this is Joe Rusin — not Jersey Joe, who wrote that great Soul Daddy post.
How do you know I’m not Jersey Joe? His identity is a secret, after all.
Ok, I’m not Jersey Joe. But thanks!
Thanks Jennifer for the compliments. But, Joe Rusin is a different person than I, however he has been one my closest friends of a long, long time now.
As for Netflix, I am a heavy user and am considering lowering my plan as well. I used to be on the 5 at a time plan, but that way too much. I do have the streaming ability in my BluRay player and really enjoy that.
Joe is right, sadly I too have been spoiled by the free shows, but the company does have to make a buck. To compensate, I will probably reduce my rentals by one down to two at a time. You can still get the latest movies that way and enjoy all the streaming shows you want.
Oh, and did I mention that if you want the BluRay option, they tack on an additional $2 per month!
That sucks about BluRay, but I used to be at 5 a day, too, back when I worked a 9 to 5, but now we’ve reduced to one and are depending more heavily on the streaming. I really would love to get rid of disk all together and have way more streaming selection. That would totally make the price hike worth it!
Netflix was the straw that broke this camel’s back. I feel like we all have too many fees in our lives. Cable, internet, netflix, data plans, cellphone bills, etc. When I add it all up it’s kind of crazy I’m paying so much for convenience. I don’t think I’m getting rid of Netflix, but I’m getting rid of streaming for sure. I prefer on demand right now and going to the movies. But maybe I’ll change after I have my first child.
Having a kid is why we’re keeping Netflix. They’re great at streaming kid’s programs, including the educational stuff like Leap Frog. We stream a couple of LeapFrog episodes for our daughter in the morning, then let her decompress with Ni Hao Kailin or Yo Gabba Gabba before dinner. It’s also cool, b/c Netflix works on our iPad, which is great when we’re on the road. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve watched something quietly on Netflix while sharing a room with our sleeping daughter. I’m just hoping that they used the extra money they’re getting from us to improve the service.