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What I love… [Frankie Says…]
Frankie Says…
In the spirit of love and all that crap, I’ll give you a snapshot list of all the things I love in my life right now:
I love warm LA days in February.
I love my new apartment.
I love making eggs with sautéed kale or spinach in the morning and eating it standing up in my kitchen.
I love seeing my name in print – one of the many perks of getting published and the biggest rush when you flip to that page.
I love Sunday dinners with my family.
I love my mom.
I love my hair – (I’m blessed with great hair, what can I say?)
I love looking at the books on my shelf that I have no time to read.
I love checking things off my to-do list.
I love boys.
I love being confident in being single.
I love Starbucks Valentine’s cup (however, I do not love Starbucks.)
I love sitting in coffee shops and writing.
I love people watching in coffee shops, too.
I love new music – anything different and non-mainstream.
I love my bed.
I love scarves.
I love greaser boys – their outfits make me smile.
I love finding a new great watering hole and sitting at the bar alone.
I love going to the movies alone, and I love that my older sister cries because she thinks it’s so sad that I go to the movies alone.
I love movies.
I love making movies.
I love film festivals.
I love dressing up.
I love buying new dresses, even if they sit in my closet for months unworn.
I love shopping online for shoes, putting them in my basket, and then clicking out of the page.
I love making fun of other girls’ outfits in my head (usually while sitting in the coffee shop, writing).
I love seeing the moon at dusk, with that bright star close by (which I can never remember the name of.)
I love that I still have to do simple math with my fingers.
I love that doing this actually made me feel the tiniest bit better about myself. Try it.
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featured image credit: nishwater