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Wonderfully Awful: Hollywood Superheroes
a blogumn by Robin Rosenzweig
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Our wonderful Kalimba is on sabbatical in Austin until February. Til then, “Wonderfully Awful” will be moving into her “Inspirational Monday” spot, so be super-nice to Robin.]
As I write this, I am on the set of what appears to be a big budget major network television show. I did not take the usual path to arrive here; a hobby I participate in regularly is the backdrop of an episode of a sitcom, so they came to the organization to which I belong to participate. Otherwise, it’s quite likely that I wouldn’t be here at all.
I moved to Los Angeles about six years ago in an effort to get out of a smaller city that I lived in far longer than I ever expected. I didn’t come here to become an actor, director, producer, actor-director, director-producer or any other variety of the Hollywood combo platter. I just came here for something new and different, and it was clear that I was going to find just that in L.A.
Los Angeles is large and spread out, and has pockets that feel like pretty much any other city. But just when I feel like I live somewhere normal, I experience something that, good or bad, can only be described as an “only in L.A.” moment. It’s the one place that I know of where I can drive through a seedy neighborhood late at night, only to stumble across a photo shoot of a skateboarder doing tricks against a graffiti-covered backdrop that suddenly makes what was gritty look cool and edgy. It’s the only city I know of where people dress up as super heroes and movie stars and essentially panhandle on a street and it’s considered part of the city’s colorful backdrop. It’s the only place I can think of where I can witness what appears to be police activity at a local liquor store, only to see that same police standoff and that same liquor store on an episode of Alias a few months later.
Even though I am not actively seeking out a life under the lights, camera and hurry-up-and-wait action of Hollywood, it has had a funny way of finding its way to me just by the very nature of me being here.
Courtesy of the aforementioned hobby, I have been on 3, count ’em, 3 MTV dating shows – including Date My Mom (I was not the dater on any of them, thank heavens). I enjoy gambling – playing craps in particular – and so less than a year after I moved to L.A. I found myself participating in a gambling game show for the Travel Channel. And even just today, although I am not an actor and will likely never be one, I stumbled my way into a small speaking part on what appears to be a big budget major network sitcom. And after being whisked through hair and makeup to fix what a 14 hour day on set does to a person, I had to say those lines in a large yet quiet room in front of the watchful eyes of the cast, crew and approximately 300 extras.
Although I go back to my regular life tomorrow, for a few brief moments today (after the sheer terror wore off, that is), I was a star…or at least felt like one. Only in L.A., right?
Has anyone ever seen the documentary about the guy who dresses up as Superman outside of Mann's Chinese? I've seen him interviewed but not seen the film and he is quite intriguing – his entire apartment is filled to the brim with Superman stuff. He even has Superman sheets. It's bizarre and creepy, I find, but at the same time oddly fascinating…
Has anyone ever seen the documentary about the guy who dresses up as Superman outside of Mann's Chinese? I've seen him interviewed but not seen the film and he is quite intriguing – his entire apartment is filled to the brim with Superman stuff. He even has Superman sheets. It's bizarre and creepy, I find, but at the same time oddly fascinating…
Chuck-I've seen it & that dude is a piece of work! I used to be the manager for the characters at Universal Studios & you can guarantee I've auditioned (not to mentioned worked with) a few bizarros in my time. Oy….
Chuck-I've seen it & that dude is a piece of work! I used to be the manager for the characters at Universal Studios & you can guarantee I've auditioned (not to mentioned worked with) a few bizarros in my time. Oy….