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Wow! It’s Wednesday! Baby Betty Pool

Photo by Kalimba Bennett
Photo by Kalimba Bennett

So there are two things I’ve been wondering about hardcore lately:

1) What does Betty need with every available bit of moisture in my body? I can no longer wear contacts. I’ve got dry skin tags all over, and if I try to skip my moisturizing routine for even a day I have to deal with all-over body itch. I wouldn’t mind, except I have no idea what she could be using my moisture reserves for, since she’s got like a ton of amniotic fluid to keep her nice and lubricated.


2) When is Betty going to come?

I fear the first question will never be answered, but the second one is totally crowd sourceable.

So without further ado, let’s run a Baby Betty pool in the comments. My due date is June 22nd. Guesses should consist of both the date AND the time of birth and please make sure to check the guesses before yours, so that we don’t have doubles.

Whoever guesses the closest date and time of the birth will not only get the glory and online mention of guessing correctly, but also two signed copies of my book when it comes out next year.

Sound good? Let’s play. I’ll throw out the first guess: June 12th, 9:00am. Now it’s your turn.