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Wow! It’s Wednesday! Betty’s Going to Be Maaaaad…

Photo Credit: Andreas Wonisch

Photo Credit: Andreas Wonisch

When I was a kid, we never went anywhere except for Mississippi for the biannual family reunion and once to Chicago for my uncle’s wedding. I didn’t get onto a plane until the age of 17 when I paid for my own ticket in order to go on a solo East Coast college tour.

So maybe you’ll understand why I made my mother tell me the story of the flight that she took to Chicago when she was pregnant over and over again. Until I was 17, it was literally the only jet plane I had ever experienced.

For this reason, I’m already feeling sorry for Betty. I went to Belgium when I was 2 months pregnant. We’re hitting the Grand Canyon today, since it’s on the way to Santa Fe, where we’re meeting up with CH’s mother, so that she can meet her latest grandchild. I’m taking Betty with me to New York in October. And if I do a book tour in 2010, then Betty’s going to be seeing a bunch of cities for the very first time … and she won’t remember any one of them.

I really won’t blame her if she’s mad that she was taken to so many places that she was too young to truly enjoy.

But this also got me to thinking about the best places that you guys have ever been — without remembering having been there. I’m sure many of your places are better than Chicago. So let us know in the comments.