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Wow! It’s Wednesday! Candid Contraction Camera

Photo Credit: Javier Delgado-Esteban
Photo Credit: Javier Delgado-Esteban

I don’t know whether to say eww! or hmm! about this newish trend of women not only filming their births, but throwing it up on YouTube.

On one hand, I do buy the argument that it’s educational for women who haven’t given birth. I was hard-pressed not to ask my Lamaze class teacher if she didn’t have any births that were filmed during this decade, and apparently that’s a common complaint in birthing classes. Also, I imagine that if you’re not sure what kind of birth you want to have, it’s of some benefit to see examples of different types of delivery.

But then again, watching birth videos isn’t exactly what I’d call fun. In fact, I used the word “horror movie” to describe the experience afterwards. And the images do stay with you, so I just don’t see myself seeking out these videos on YouTube.

However, they’re very popular, so maybe I’m in the minority.

Anyway, read the New York Times article about this YouTube trend here.

And I couldn’t watch this birthing video, but maybe you can.