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Wow! It’s Wednesday! How Cool Is Your Email Address?
So, I used to know a lot people with aol email addresses, now I know exactly one, and I don’t think she kept the addy to be hip or ironic, which is funny, b/c at least one blogger is claiming that it is now at the very height of hipster retro cool to have one of these.
This of course got me to thinking about all the email addresses I’ve known before.
I’m a Yahoo girl myself. Started off with Hotmail, then signed up for yahoo when I decided to try a bunch of new things during my first summer in Los Angeles, when I interned at Warner Bros Television between grad school years, ate a lot of Mexican food, and dated a surfing lawyer. Yahoo and Mexican food were the two things that stuck by the time I came back L.A. for good, especially after Hotmail proved to me that it was incapable of coming up with even a halfway decent spam algorithm.
A few years ago, I meant to jump on the Gmail bandwagon with all the other cool geeks, but somehow that didn’t happen either. And now, having a Yahoo account kinda makes me feel like a rebel. So unless Yahoo goes out of business, I’ll probably just be with them forever. Maybe it, too, will become hipster retro cool, but somehow I doubt it.
Really, I mostly Facebook everyone I know these days anyway.
What email program do you use? Do you like it better than other programs or are you like me, just too lazy and settled to change? Also, do you feel your email program says anything about you? Let us know in the comments.
[Source: Valleywag via Freedom Haters]
i YAHOO it too! i've had it forever & i also have a work email address & a hotmail account for other professional stuff. too lazy to change or add yet another one and it's sorta like an old shoe-comfy thing. long live Yahoooooooooooooooo!
i YAHOO it too! i've had it forever & i also have a work email address & a hotmail account for other professional stuff. too lazy to change or add yet another one and it's sorta like an old shoe-comfy thing. long live Yahoooooooooooooooo!
I have my own actor/filmmaker website, so it's "me@me". I also have secondary accounts on Yahoo! (mostly marketing/spam) and Gmail (for my company, since I haven't set up a site for that yet). And then there's a slew of tertiary accounts! (Not to mention my two at work).
I have my own actor/filmmaker website, so it's "me@me". I also have secondary accounts on Yahoo! (mostly marketing/spam) and Gmail (for my company, since I haven't set up a site for that yet). And then there's a slew of tertiary accounts! (Not to mention my two at work).
I'm an AOL Boy! I have had it since about 1990… and why change? I can get my mail via the internet like anyone else and I get up to 6 email addresses- and now it's free! Retro or not – it's what I got!
I'm an AOL Boy! I have had it since about 1990… and why change? I can get my mail via the internet like anyone else and I get up to 6 email addresses- and now it's free! Retro or not – it's what I got!
When I finished college in 1997 I set up a Yahoo! account. Once Gmail came along, I added a Gmail account. Most stuff like receipts and emails from websites goes to Yahoo along with most friends/family emails. Gmail is reserved for a handful of very select friends — which is silly, because it would be much better equipped than Yahoo to handle everything. But it's all about triage — when I go into my Yahoo account, I know I'll have to spend a few minutes deleting marketing emails and maybe read a couple of emails from friends/family that I may or may not enjoy. When I open Gmail, I know that it's either my husband (who gmails or gmail chats many times a day) or maybe one of the people that I'm truly happy to hear from. I sometimes wish that everything were just on gmail, but I don't want to bother to make the changes. It's also nice to have a "permanent" address in case of long lost friends.
Both addresses are straightforward first initial, last name. Nothing silly. I have seen people apply for jobs or grad school with preposterous email accounts, and it really gets eyebrows raised from the people making decisions. The accounts are free, is it really so hard to set up a jane_smith email in addition to your sexyslut2003 account, just for job applications?
Then there's three work addresses from my two jobs. And my blog gmail account. It takes me quite a while to check email every day, even if there are few messages.
When I finished college in 1997 I set up a Yahoo! account. Once Gmail came along, I added a Gmail account. Most stuff like receipts and emails from websites goes to Yahoo along with most friends/family emails. Gmail is reserved for a handful of very select friends — which is silly, because it would be much better equipped than Yahoo to handle everything. But it's all about triage — when I go into my Yahoo account, I know I'll have to spend a few minutes deleting marketing emails and maybe read a couple of emails from friends/family that I may or may not enjoy. When I open Gmail, I know that it's either my husband (who gmails or gmail chats many times a day) or maybe one of the people that I'm truly happy to hear from. I sometimes wish that everything were just on gmail, but I don't want to bother to make the changes. It's also nice to have a "permanent" address in case of long lost friends.
Both addresses are straightforward first initial, last name. Nothing silly. I have seen people apply for jobs or grad school with preposterous email accounts, and it really gets eyebrows raised from the people making decisions. The accounts are free, is it really so hard to set up a jane_smith email in addition to your sexyslut2003 account, just for job applications?
Then there's three work addresses from my two jobs. And my blog gmail account. It takes me quite a while to check email every day, even if there are few messages.