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Wow! It’s Wednesday! The Prom You Never Had OR What Nail Polish Should I Wear to the (Technical) Emmys?

This is the gown I'm renting for the big occasion

This is the gown I'm renting for the big occasion. Demure but fun!

So since last Thursday, I’ve tried on about a dozen gowns, spent hours shoe shopping, arranged a rather expensive hair consultation and appointment, scheduled a special event make-up appointment at M.A.C., gone back and forth with myself about whether I should wear glasses to the Governer’s Ball (the Emmy after-party), and squandered countless amounts of precious daydreaming time wondering what color nail polish to wear with my black dress. I’m totally not kidding. And I still have to get the daydream killing mani-pedi. I also have to get my eyebrows done, and I’ve got the massive hair appointment on Friday.

It occurs to me that getting ready for the (Technical) Emmys is basically like getting ready for prom. Except I didn’t have a kid, husband, and book rewrite when I was getting ready for prom. Also, I didn’t really get ready for prom. I asked a male friend to go with me, paid for my own ticket, slapped on some of my mom’s makeup, and wore a dress that my sister had found two days beforehand on the sale rack at Dillards for $12.

But you know what, if I had it to do all over again, I’d probably do it exactly the same. Except maybe I’d put a barette in my hair. My rather boxy natural did not hold up well with time.

Still this has me wondering about other people’s prom experiences. Was it everything you wanted it to be? And if you had it all to do over, what would you change? Let us know in the comments. Also, if you have any ideas about nail polish color for fancy events — I’m assuming my usual blue, green, or bright pink won’t do — help a girl out in the comments.