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Wow! It’s Wednesday! The Prom You Never Had OR What Nail Polish Should I Wear to the (Technical) Emmys?

This is the gown I'm renting for the big occasion. Demure but fun!
So since last Thursday, I’ve tried on about a dozen gowns, spent hours shoe shopping, arranged a rather expensive hair consultation and appointment, scheduled a special event make-up appointment at M.A.C., gone back and forth with myself about whether I should wear glasses to the Governer’s Ball (the Emmy after-party), and squandered countless amounts of precious daydreaming time wondering what color nail polish to wear with my black dress. I’m totally not kidding. And I still have to get the daydream killing mani-pedi. I also have to get my eyebrows done, and I’ve got the massive hair appointment on Friday.
It occurs to me that getting ready for the (Technical) Emmys is basically like getting ready for prom. Except I didn’t have a kid, husband, and book rewrite when I was getting ready for prom. Also, I didn’t really get ready for prom. I asked a male friend to go with me, paid for my own ticket, slapped on some of my mom’s makeup, and wore a dress that my sister had found two days beforehand on the sale rack at Dillards for $12.
But you know what, if I had it to do all over again, I’d probably do it exactly the same. Except maybe I’d put a barette in my hair. My rather boxy natural did not hold up well with time.
Still this has me wondering about other people’s prom experiences. Was it everything you wanted it to be? And if you had it all to do over, what would you change? Let us know in the comments. Also, if you have any ideas about nail polish color for fancy events — I’m assuming my usual blue, green, or bright pink won’t do — help a girl out in the comments.
I didn't go to my prom. Instead I went on a field trip with my advanced bio class to Wallop's Island Marine Consortium for four days of trawling the bay, tidal marshes and mucking around.
That's fiercely nerdy.
cybele, that is just awesome and i have new respect for you.
I didn't go to my prom. Instead I went on a field trip with my advanced bio class to Wallop's Island Marine Consortium for four days of trawling the bay, tidal marshes and mucking around.
That's fiercely nerdy.
cybele, that is just awesome and i have new respect for you.
I enjoyed my prom. I wasn't crazy about getting everything perfect; I was pretty low-maintenance – my mom helped me curl my hair, I bought my dress on sale (I love that deep purple dress), didn't get a manicure, no limo (though my date did borrow his parents' Lexus so we had a sweet ride) etc. It was just a good time with my friends dancing and checking out who showed up with whom.
Funny thing about my prom — my school had a convention that the prom song became the title of the prom and was put on all the invites, etc. Usually the song is something like "Hold onto the Night" or "Forever Young." My class chose "Don't Dream It's Over" — clearly when people voted they didn't think it through.
GREAT DRESS! I'm no nail polish guru. Are metallics out? Would silver nail polish look good or be too much? Otherwise I think red is always classic. Here's hoping you post pics on F&N!
metallics are out according to my research, but i might just have to bring them back…
hahaha, our school had the same song policy but I can't remember what our was. clearly prom left a huge impression on me.
I enjoyed my prom. I wasn't crazy about getting everything perfect; I was pretty low-maintenance – my mom helped me curl my hair, I bought my dress on sale (I love that deep purple dress), didn't get a manicure, no limo (though my date did borrow his parents' Lexus so we had a sweet ride) etc. It was just a good time with my friends dancing and checking out who showed up with whom.
Funny thing about my prom — my school had a convention that the prom song became the title of the prom and was put on all the invites, etc. Usually the song is something like "Hold onto the Night" or "Forever Young." My class chose "Don't Dream It's Over" — clearly when people voted they didn't think it through.
GREAT DRESS! I'm no nail polish guru. Are metallics out? Would silver nail polish look good or be too much? Otherwise I think red is always classic. Here's hoping you post pics on F&N!
metallics are out according to my research, but i might just have to bring them back…
hahaha, our school had the same song policy but I can't remember what our was. clearly prom left a huge impression on me.
You are going to be SO gorgeous in that dress! I'd go with a classic red or a vampy red. I can't wait to see pictures.
I have very few memories from the actual event other than the limo we rented. It was all about the prep – I designed my own dress and had it custom made with boob inserts and all (classy), got my hair done, got a mani pedi, and bough special designer (read Clinique) make-up for the event. Alas, I don't think my date noticed anything but my strangely large boobs.
i love this story so much, i can barely stand it. and i love that your mom paid for a gown w/ boob inserts. it's so texas.
You are going to be SO gorgeous in that dress! I'd go with a classic red or a vampy red. I can't wait to see pictures.
I have very few memories from the actual event other than the limo we rented. It was all about the prep – I designed my own dress and had it custom made with boob inserts and all (classy), got my hair done, got a mani pedi, and bough special designer (read Clinique) make-up for the event. Alas, I don't think my date noticed anything but my strangely large boobs.
i love this story so much, i can barely stand it. and i love that your mom paid for a gown w/ boob inserts. it's so texas.
LOVE the dress! Mani-pedi suggestion: Dashing Diva on Raymond in Pasadena: and I also think red nail color. They also do brows.
nicole, STOP reading my mind. i was just wondering if there was somewhere cool to get a mani-pedi and my eyebrows done. the place in the mini-mall by our house sucks. thanks for the referral!
LOVE the dress! Mani-pedi suggestion: Dashing Diva on Raymond in Pasadena: and I also think red nail color. They also do brows.
nicole, STOP reading my mind. i was just wondering if there was somewhere cool to get a mani-pedi and my eyebrows done. the place in the mini-mall by our house sucks. thanks for the referral!
First of all that dress is insane! Love it & you are going to rock it!
As far as prom, no big surprise here, I was really hoping it would turn out like something from a John Hughes film but instead wasn't even on par with an episode of Family Ties.
wait, that prom ep of "Family Ties" was AWESOME. and i'd be interested to see if anyone in real life had a "pretty in pink" prom.
First of all that dress is insane! Love it & you are going to rock it!
As far as prom, no big surprise here, I was really hoping it would turn out like something from a John Hughes film but instead wasn't even on par with an episode of Family Ties.
wait, that prom ep of "Family Ties" was AWESOME. and i'd be interested to see if anyone in real life had a "pretty in pink" prom.
that dress is sassy and sexy! love it. ok my suggestions:
1. The classic vampy red. Nuff said.
2. I found this hella sexy nail polish this summer that I can't wait to wear. It's Revlon and called Midnight Lingerie (CH might dig that too).
3. I actually think a shiny dark green would be unconventionally and unexpectedly sexy (which this would actually be my #1 suggestion for you if your darn blog comments would let me cut and paste so I could move it)
4. Nude/Buff or French Manicure – now that is mixing it up if your usual is blue, green and hot pink. Sedate and simple since your dess is already making a statement.
5. Silver (although I'm thinking that might actually be too obvious and why it is last on the list). you could be funky and try out the new trend in nail "polish" called minx. apparently lots of A listers are doing it:
I am so not ready for minx, but I think you might be right about the dark green. So far that's my number one choice. I wonder where I could pick some up just in case the salon doesn't have it…
that I don't know…but the fall colors are coming out. in fact I think I saw one by OPI. So you could either get it online or try Sally's.
that dress is sassy and sexy! love it. ok my suggestions:
1. The classic vampy red. Nuff said.
2. I found this hella sexy nail polish this summer that I can't wait to wear. It's Revlon and called Midnight Lingerie (CH might dig that too).
3. I actually think a shiny dark green would be unconventionally and unexpectedly sexy (which this would actually be my #1 suggestion for you if your darn blog comments would let me cut and paste so I could move it)
4. Nude/Buff or French Manicure – now that is mixing it up if your usual is blue, green and hot pink. Sedate and simple since your dess is already making a statement.
5. Silver (although I'm thinking that might actually be too obvious and why it is last on the list). you could be funky and try out the new trend in nail "polish" called minx. apparently lots of A listers are doing it:
I am so not ready for minx, but I think you might be right about the dark green. So far that's my number one choice. I wonder where I could pick some up just in case the salon doesn't have it…
that I don't know…but the fall colors are coming out. in fact I think I saw one by OPI. So you could either get it online or try Sally's.
Went to prom, but wrong dress, wrong boy, wrong friends, etc. If I had to do it all over again I would re-do all of senior year. Yes a complete remix where I changed one decision I made in December 1994 and that would have changed prom. Too little too late.
Went to prom, but wrong dress, wrong boy, wrong friends, etc. If I had to do it all over again I would re-do all of senior year. Yes a complete remix where I changed one decision I made in December 1994 and that would have changed prom. Too little too late.
Black nail polish with a shiny top coat. Hot.
I can't find dark green, so black it is!
Black nail polish with a shiny top coat. Hot.
I can't find dark green, so black it is!
I don't think I even knew what the words "mani-pedi" meant when I was in High School! My dress was fine and all, but I loved how my friends and I ended up paying for a limo to take us there. I asked my boss at the ice cream parlor I worked at if we could use their parking lot for a car wash to "raise money for the prom." I was our class president so I don't think they thought anything of saying yes. So we had the car wash, people supported raising money "for the prom," and my 5 other friends and I made enough money to rent that limo we wanted. "For the prom."
What a fun story! I love the deceit of the car wash for a limo.Bored? Check out
I don't think I even knew what the words "mani-pedi" meant when I was in High School! My dress was fine and all, but I loved how my friends and I ended up paying for a limo to take us there. I asked my boss at the ice cream parlor I worked at if we could use their parking lot for a car wash to "raise money for the prom." I was our class president so I don't think they thought anything of saying yes. So we had the car wash, people supported raising money "for the prom," and my 5 other friends and I made enough money to rent that limo we wanted. "For the prom."
What a fun story! I love the deceit of the car wash for a limo.
Bored? Check out
Smokin' dress, by the way. And yeah, nude/french nails is the classy way to go. But deep red/wine is cool too. You are so Hollywood! ;)
Smokin' dress, by the way. And yeah, nude/french nails is the classy way to go. But deep red/wine is cool too. You are so Hollywood! ;)