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1902: What If In the Future Women Actually Did Stuff Only Men Do Now? [One More Thing Before We Go]
Hahaha! That could NEVER happen. Seriously though, these French “Women of the Future” playing cards from 1902 are a total trip. According to The Mary Sue:
“Women were not actually allowed to participate in French elections until 1945. These cards were intended to be racy, silly, and improbable, even as they depicted women in the impressive (and since achieved!) positions of statesmen, rescue workers, soldiers, students and doctors. Which should be obvious as soon as you notice that the three star general has her stars of rank painted onto her bare arm.”
So in honor of these playing cards, today’s Lady Nerd is Janet Wolfenbarger, the 3-star Air Force General, who President Obama recently nominated to become the first female four-star general in Air Force history. So yeah, fuck you 1902. The women of the future totally owned this “silly” card set. Go to The Mary Sue to see the rest of the cards.
The Policeman:
The Member of Parliament:
The Doctor:
The Lawyer:
The Student:
The Journalist: