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A Question for You… [Wow! It’s Wednesday!]

So we’re rolling out the retooled 32 CANDLES website next week, and I’m currently putting together a marketing plan for the paperback, which we’ll need to sell in the manner of hotcakes, so that I can get another book deal and continue to justify paying someone to take care of my daughter while I write for a few hours every weekday at Starbucks.

But in order to sling more paperbacks, I need your help. It’s pretty simple, please answer the following questions.

1. How did you hear about 32 CANDLES?

2. Why did you buy or borrow 32 CANDLES?

3. Where did you buy or borrow 32 CANDLES from?

4. In what format did you read it: physical book, e-book, or audiobook?

5. If you recommended the book to others, how did you do so: Twitter, Facebook, Email, phone, or In-Person?

Thanks guys!