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Ask Dr. Miro: Sexy Time Bruiser [What You Didn’t Learn in Health Class]
Dear Dr. Miro,
Sometimes after vigorous sex (involving mega g-spot stimulation) I experience painful urination the next day. The first time it happened I thought I was getting a urinary tract infection and drank a bunch of cranberry juice but then it got better after a day or two. Would this be due to some type of bruising? Something else entirely? It doesn’t happen all the time, just sometimes…
Cruising For A Bruising
Dear C4AB,
You got it, kid. Sounds like it’s just bruising. Nothing to be worried about because after putting yourself through any rigorous activity, whether it’s a giant poo, vigorous sex or too many push ups, there is going to be some residual bodily reminder. Give your body a chance to recover.
However, it could be the beginning of a urinary tract infection brought on by the intense sexual activity. You may simply be catching and flushing it in time. FYI: it is better to take cranberry supplements with tons of water because the sugar content in ANY fruit juice can be antithetical to the cleansing process when drunk in massive quantities.
I have the biggest smile on my face knowing you are engaged in such energetic, G-Spot stimulating sex. Hopefully, it’s as fun, as it is intensive!!
Lust & Happiness,
Dr. Miro
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featured image credit: Darwin Bell