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Band-Aids for Big Kids
So, as you’ve probably discovered by now, nerds tend to be accident prone. Whether accidentally giving ourselves the WORST paper cuts (me) or cutting ourselves on one of our many technology DIY project (CH) orĀ tripping over that Converse shoe left in the worst possible place (CH & me), the fact is that we accumulate more boo-boos than the rest of the population.
That noted, you’ll perhaps be as happy as I was to read that the pictured bandages are now available at Lou Lou’s Corner to keep your cuts and other assorted wounds looking Halloweeny throughout October.
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, so if you have any suggestions for other must-have items, please leave them in the comments. I’m also looking for easy costume ideas, since everyone in Los Angeles takes Halloween so very seriously, and I don’t think I’m going to be able to get away with not having a costume again this year.