Buy Your Geek This: May the Force Be With You(r Toast)
A blogumn by CH
Darth Vader Toast
I know this might be admitting I’m a little to geeky but it’s DARTH VADER TOAST.
I want it, and yes I’m still twelve years old.
Get your’s here
If you have kids and you want to buy it for “them,” here are some cute recipies you can make with the little ones.
Suddenly very hungry!
Suddenly very hungry!
Do you need a toaster to cook, or just Jedi mind tricks?
Do you need a toaster to cook, or just Jedi mind tricks?
Why would a Jedi eat Darth Vader toast? If you ever catch a jedi with a Darth Vader toaster, definitely question his loyalty to the cause.
I guess I could join the dark side for breakfast.
I guess I could join the dark side for breakfast.
You don’t need to join the dark side. It’s more of a quick visit
You don’t need to join the dark side. It’s more of a quick visit
The toast settings go from Light to Dark Side
The toast settings go from Light to Dark Side