No Longer the Bridesmaid [Frankie Says…]

Frankie says… Admit you are wrong, even if you think you are right. This is especially the case when a friend is involved that you would rather keep in your life. And even when it doesn’t involve someone of that importance, it’s a good idea to practice admitting that you were wrong.  Because we all are… at some point. And believe me, that’s a hard one to admit coming from a Miss Know-It-All. Actually, I think it is easier to admit wrong when you believe you’re in the right than it is to admit wrong when you’re really, actually wrong. And sometimes it’s not nearly as clear as all that. Take, for example, my writing a blog in which I complained (in a funny, ha-ha, self-defeatist sort of way) about being a bridesmaid. I had been influenced from viewing the recently released, hysterically raunchy Bridesmaids. I cautioned the bride-to-be about my blog (prior to publication) and explained that although it may sound cruel when she reads it, it was a general look at what it’s like to be a bridesmaid and all the shenanigans that ensue, and to not take it personally – i.e. this is not a personal attack on you or your wedding, publication just happens to coincide with your bachelorette weekend and the exact activities we had planned for said weekend are quoted in it (simply because I’m not creative enough to come up with alternative ones on my own.) Now here is where I went wrong. I should have never told her about it. And more importantly, I should NOT have advertised it on Facebook. But I was excited for my first ever blog. Had I kept my mouth shut and my ego in check, I could’ve gotten away with...

Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts

Big congrats to our last T-shirt winner of the week, Nina Feldman. Now, if you want a t-shirt, then you definitely want to pre-order a book NOW. We’re only giving away six more t-shirts before June 22nd, so if you want to get entered to win. Pre-order the book and let me know that you did. That all reminded, here are my thoughts for our Fierce and Nerdy week: 1. It’s funny that Josh believes that women are more attuned to a baby’s cries and men turn a deaf ear. Tell that to my poor husband, who had to shake me awake in the middle of the night to give a wailing Betty sustenance more than once during her breastfeeding months. Mama sleeps like a log! 2. Have you filled out your THEN and NOW submission yet? If not, go HERE to do so. We’re not only making a donation to FFAWN for every submission we get, but we’re also giving away t-shirts to the first 20 people that tell us their THEN and NOW story. 3. Thinking about getting the new iPhone, read Justin Case’s rundown and preview first! Spoiler Alert: You’re DEFINITELY going to want the iPhone 4. 4. I downloaded THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE as soon as I read Amy’s review. Can’t wait to listen to it! 5. Michael, I used to be in love with my Kindle, too, but the iPad stole my heart, now it’s totally my...

Hello Friday: FaN’s Biggest Fan [Fierce Thoughts]

Well, well, well, after a week of winners as far flung as Boston, St. Louis, New Jersey, and even China, we finally bring it home to good ole LA with today’s winner, Debra Barlow from “Two Cats and a Baby.” Friendly reminder to pre-order my book and let me know that you did, so that we can get you entered to win a T-shirt of your own. Other than let’s get into my thoughts on this week’s FaN. 1. I don’t think I’ve ever changed my mind so fast about something so major in my life. More next week, but after actually viewing an apartment, we decided that we are way beyond living in an apartment, and that it was time to find a house and settle down already, so now we’re on the hunt. But I still want to hear your moving stories, so go here to comment for the chance to win this week’s tote bag. 2. I want to point out that I TOLD Gudrun that she should go to Montreal with M rather than stay back in France. And now she’s been attacked by what sounds like a really brutal France-only weed. I don’t want to say that the whole world should listen to me more often, but I think this pretty much proves it. 3. Else’s tale of her Johnnie Walker tasting made me want to do a proper Scotch tasting myself. Maybe if the next book sells, I’ll do one as a sort of book launch party… 4. I’m going to go on a mango search this weekend, in order to make this terrific-sounding tea from this week’s Fierce Foodie. Thanks, Roya! 5. Congrats to Kelly on her 90 days! I, too, have problems asking people to hang...

Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [FaN Review]

Well, four days into my week without childcare, my MIL came home early due to a serious gaffe with her Cher tickets on Harrah’s part. So boo that she didn’t get to see the legendary Cher in concert, but yay, that she’s already back. That all cheered, here are my thoughts for the week: 1. Still occasionally jumping up and down whenever I think about 32 CANDLES being in the July edition of Essence as their Book of the Month. Wonder when one stops jumping up and down. I mean will I still be doing this whenever I get news in my 70s. Hopefully my knees stay strong. 2. Everyone so once a while, I’m tempted to get some work done on the post-pregnancy bod, but then I’m reminded that bad plastic surgery skeeves me out so much, that it’s probably not worth the risk. Thanks, Zacki. 3. I really, really, really wish I could get an iPad before my trip to Scotland, and Justin Case’s surprising recommendation of the the wireless-only iPad over the upcoming one with 3G really isn’t helping. 4. Yeah, Debra G, we totally need a cleverer name for the modern day housewife. And while we’re at it, let’s rename stay-at-homes, too. 5. I think our single white nerd might have found The One. But m/b that’s b/c I’m a writer, and therefore a sucker for anyone who says, “Okay, go ahead and write about...