Chic Geek: Finding Your Inner Stylist Pt. 2 – Accessorizing

. A blogumn by Delia Hauser We’ve all done it.  We’ve all stood in front of a mirror examining a hat, scarf or new piece of jewelry and asked the BIG question.  “But…Is It Me?” This madness has to stop.  We ARE whomever we please and we should allow ourselves to change our look everyday if we so choose. I know, I know; this can be hard.  We get into style holes and we stay there.  We decide early on that we are “old navy” girl or “earthy” girl or “gothic chic” girl and that’s where we stay until we wake up one day questioning the things we really like.  So, I’m challenging you to shake it up tomorrow with your accessories.  Style yourself into a new person for a day. Every morning I go through the same routine.  My boyfriend calls it my “private time”.  Indeed it is; and should probably stay that way considering what strange things happen behind those closed doors.  After an outfit is formed and the shoes are chosen, it’s time to decide what character I am that day.  I try on jewelry, scarves, bags, I make faces and strike poses that I might make during the day in that particular outfit to see if the decoration matches the mood.  My simple dress or jeans and a t-shirt could become seriously chic, sexy, silly, quirky, bold, or whatever feels right in the moment. Next time you go shopping, try buying something different; gold instead of your silver (or vice versa), something a little chunkier, crazier, or even sleeker than usual. As you grow more accustomed to stepping out of your shell, you can mix things up a bit, but the beginner stylist should start with a clean palette (a...

Inspiration Monday: The 5-Minute Vacay

A Blogumn by Kalimba Bennett Using the tools of yoga, meditation, and creativity as the stepping stones for generating a little more peace, gratitude, and dare I say “inspiration” in your week. Today I want to offer you the immaculate gift of your very own breath.  You know, it’s that inhaling and exhaling thing that’s happening right now without you thinking about it and…it’s what is keeping you alive!  In my experience, there is a deep connection between how I feel and the fluidity of my breath. If your life is anything like mine it moves at a pace that is quick and ever quickening.  Busy life = even busier brain. When I’m stuck in traffic trying to handle a business call and put on my mascara at the same time my breath is short and constricted.  When I’m in a hot bath after a long day my breath smooths out and flows deeply. Because it is one of the few autonomic functions of the body that we can also control, breathing is the fastest working, all natural antidote to stress that I know of. In yoga, the practice of conscious breathing or breath control is called Pranayama* and the benefits are infinite.  By breathing deeper we supply the brain and body with more oxygen and that is nothin’ but goodness my friend.  Breathe deeper and experience lower blood pressure, greater mental focus, the release of toxins and more expansive orgasms for starters.  Give this basic pranayama exercise a try, right now, in your home or office: Start by placing one hand on your chest and the other on your lower belly. Close your eyes and slowly take a breath through your nose, focusing on filling your abdomen so that it rises higher than your chest....