Can you say more drama for your mama? Due to a recording conflict at my BFF’s house (I spent the night there before heading to upstate New York for a wedding in a field), I wasn’t able to see NBC’s much-hyped sitcom, WHITNEY. But all the new fall dramas that popped off yesterday, including CHARLIE’S ANGELS, PERSON OF INTEREST, and PRIME SUSPECT? Oh yeah, those totally got watched. Overview CHARLIE’S ANGELS: After the third Angel gets knocked off, the remaining two Angels, Kate and Abby, team up with her best friend Eve (Minka Kelly from FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS) to find her killer. Shocker: Eve totally ends up becoming the third angel. PERSON OF INTEREST: A former CIA operative (Jim Caviezel) teams up with a mysterious billionaire (Michael Emerson) to prevent crimes before they happen. A police officer (Taraji P. Henson) tries to figure out what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks is going on. PRIME SUSPECT: A reimagining of the British series, which made Helen Mirren famous. This time it’s an NYPD homicide detective played by Maria Bello, who’s punching out the glass ceiling of a New York homicide squad. What I Liked CHARLIE’S ANGELS: The fashion was great. And I’m a big fan of women kicking ass, while working as a team. Also, it was nice that they aged down Bosley, and replaced him with bit of eye candy. It felt like equal opportunity ageism, and took away the weird “daddy” vibe of the original series and movie revamps. For once, it felt like these were professionals doing their job — as opposed to a cult of Charlie. Plus, I have a weird celebrity crush on Minka Kelly. PERSON OF INTEREST: This one pretty much grabs you from go. It’s a procedural in the end, but with...
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
THE SECRET CIRCLE Review: Fall TV 2011 [Worth Watching?]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Last night, I channeled my inner-teenager to watch the latest series in CW’s popular YA-book-to-TV-show formula. How did it go? Well, teen me didn’t exactly squee. Here’s my report on the THE SECRET CIRCLE: Overview A newly orphaned Cassie, returns to her mother’s small hometown to move in with her grandmother. She quickly attracts new friends — of the witchy variety and discovers that her mother basically ran away from a full-on gothic witch soap opera, the survivors of which, are now her new friends’ parents. What I Liked I didn’t realize how many series revolve around a powerless girl caught up with a powerful male until this series came along. It was refreshing to watch a show where the girls not only had magical powers but worked with their magical male counterparts. It’s not witches, it’s not warlocks. It’s witches and warlocks. I also loved that the parents get a ton of screen time and are actually involved in their children’s lives. Also, each of the five teen witches and warlocks only have one parent, so it’s interesting to see so many single parents (moms and dads) representing, with no one giving extra credit to the single dads. What I Didn’t Like It’s a fine line between brooding and boring and THE SECRET CIRCLE definitely stepped over it a few times. I couldn’t bring myself to care about any of the characters, mostly because the main character is a list of traits (descended from witches, orphaned, confused, angry, unknowingly powerful) as opposed to a human being with an actual personality. Same goes for the main (so far) witch antagonist, who kind of stomps around creating conflict, seemingly because the writers just want her to be difficult. Also, the chemistry between Cassie and the...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [April 29, 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Friendly Reminder, if you haven’t yet answered the 5 simple questions in the 32 CANDLES Marketing survey, I’d be muy grateful if you got on that now. That all solicited, let’s get into our terrific week at FaN: 1. I thought I had given up most to all of my slightly southern principles upon moving to L.A., but this week’s Dating Ell-A was like reading a straight-up horror story. I don’t need you to open doors for me or stand up when I come back from the bathroom, but what this guy did was just out of line. [Dating Ell-A: Dating While Southern (Belle)] 2. Though at least she didn’t marry him. I felt much worse for the woman who sent Dr. Miro a question about her husband who blamed his lack of get-up on her weight. Total D-bag. [Ask Dr. Miro: Don’t Call Me a Sausage!] 3. Here’s my advice for a budget-friendly Hawaii: consider doing half of your vacation in a hotel and the other half in a vacation rental (we love so that you can see different parts of the island. Also, think about getting credit cards that give you rewards points. For example Betty’s IVF “paid” for my trip to Belgium because we a card that gives us frequent flyer miles for every dollar spent. And our current infertility battle will be funding our summer travel. We also put all our business-related stuff on a credit card connected to our favorite hotel. So it feels like we’re saving up for our next vacation anytime we buy something. Got any other budget friendly Hawaii tips? Let Debra Goykhman know! [NewlyNested: Budget Friendly Hawaii?] 4. Speaking of vacations, we once drove to New Mexico, with our then two-month-old to meet up with...
No FaN Notes [Hello Friday]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Ugh! After my triumphant comeback last week, I find myself w/o time to write a proper FaN Note and still get the thousand things done that I need to get done this weekend, including a Hollywood meeting, teaching a Writing Pad Class, getting my life in order before I have to go on bedrest for my next and last round of IVF, and I’m also making over 10 pounds of a certain something from scratch that I can’t tell you about yet, because it’s a surprise for about 40 people, many of whom read this blog. But I did want to wish you all a very happy weekend. Can’t wait to read you all again next Monday! 100% Love,...
Not Pregnant [No Hello Friday Again]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So we found out on Wednesday that our transfer did not succeed. I’m not pregnant and we’re down to our two last eggs. My hopes are not high, but they reman alive and in some situations that’s the most one can ask for. I am beginning to see bizarre silver linings in the situation. After this next cycle, it is over. No more houhah ultrasound exams, no more weekly blood draws (I am dark-skinned with thin veins, so that process has been particularly nightmarish), no more waiting. Though I’m sad about the possibility of not being able to increase our family size (we are heavily considering not pursuing adoption now), I am starting to cobble together a new version of what our lives might look like with just one child: better vacations, earlier retirement for CH, even better schools for Betty, more freedom, more of everything except children. So the plan is to go on fertility drugs after my next period and try one last IVF cycle. After this we are out of both embryos and budgeted money for this process. And we’ve already decided as a couple not to put ourselves through it again next year if it doesn’t work this last time. For IVF Part Deux, I was all want, want, want. For IVF Part Tres, I kept my hope in a chokehold and didn’t dare to want this pregnancy too badly. Though I’m happy that I didn’t go off the rails again on Wednesday, I’ve come to the conclusion that for IVF Part Four, I must learn to be okay with wanting something badly, and if I don’t get it, I must then accept that, though I’m sure it will take some time. I imagine myself letting hope out of my...
Good News and Bad News [Hello Friday]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So the bad news is that there will be no FaN Notes today, b/c I’m swamped, with the last round of copy edits for my second novel. The good news is that I won’t be swamped next week, because I’m sending the second novel off to my agent today. The even better news is that I’ve officially started my third novel, and I wrote all about it over at THE GIRLFRIENDS BOOK CLUB blog. Check that post out HERE. (The featured image of WD-40 will totally make sense after you read it). Til next week, stay fierce and nerdy, my friends. Love,...
IVF Part Tres Update [No Hello Friday]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So instead of getting “Hello Friday” in last night, I went to see a private screening of YOUR HIGHNESS with the hubby. And, woo hoo, we’re going to to see SUCKER PUNCH this afternoon. As you might have surmised by the two date movies in a row (wild behavior for parents!), we’re going in for the embryo(s) transfer on Sunday. I’m in very good spirits, mostly because I have a lot to get squared away before then and also because I feel a lot more disconnected from the process this time. No out-of-control hopes, but also no raging worry. Just a lot of work and you know … wait and see. Anywho, I’ll see you back here next Monday. Till then, have a great day and an even better...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Week 11 of 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Oh guys, I am just exhausted. Finishing up this side project and looking forward to going into copy edits on the second novel next week. Getting closer to multiple finish lines, and it’s really beginning to feel like I’m typing this while coming up on the last leg of a marathon. But enough whining. Lets talk about our week at Fierce and Nerdy, which thanks to Jersey Joe’s super-timely LEPRECHAUN blogumn, was the largest hit week in FaN history. So whether you’re a regular, a crossover reader, or just here for the Leprechaun, welcome, welcome! 1. Zack, though I was quite a drinker in my younger Japan-grad schoool-derby doll-starving artists days, for whatever reason, I have never had more than a couple of beer on St. Patrick’s Day. Go figure. Maybe next lifetime… [Tall Glass: Boys and Girls Go Wild on St. Patrick’s Day] 2. R.B. one of the things I adore about living in L.A. is that people are always surprising you. I’ve had strangers be both insanely rude and insanely kind to me here, and I seriously wouldn’t want live and work in any other American city. Though, I do have dreams of relocating to Hawaii, which is even warmer and way more generally kinder. But if you take Hawaii off the board, L.A.’s definitely where it’s at for me. [Hyperbolic Tendencies: Wherein I Learn that the Road to Heaven Is Paved with Coffee] 3. Unlike Josh Pullin, I have really fond memories of being a latchkey kid — though I myself didn’t become one until I was like 8 or 9. The freedom, the TV, the sugar! Boyo, my daughter can only dream of such a life. And, also much like Josh, it blows my mind how different her childhood...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Week 10 of 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I’m still behind on my big secret side project, which I can’t tell you about yet. But I promise, I will start hacking away at these emails as soon as I can. Meanwhile check out my thoughts on this (rather fantastic) week at FaN. 1. Kelli, I’m actually really good at keeping my physical clutter to a minimum. I regularly scour my closet and I try not to accumulate too many things that mess up the flow of our house. My main problem is actually electronic clutter. I’m forever having to clean up my harddrive before I can do simple things like update my iPhone or run system upgrades. I’m adoring organizing websites right now, but I wish there was a book about how to keep your hard drive organized. I’d buy that in a hot second! [Fierce in Seattle: The crap that holds you back] 2. My husband pretty much had to give up his romantic vision of being in a hiking couple when he met me and I informed him, “I don’t hike.” Actually that’s not true. I have hiked and I don’t see much point in it. The other problem is that if I do hike, I prefer to hike alone, and I still don’t see any point in it, so this means I don’t hike much. But really the biggest problem is that when I’m hiking I’m either thinking, “This sucks and is pointless” the entire time or — and this is a big OR — I get hit with the hugest of epiphanies. I don’t mean little plot point epiphanies — I love those — but completely life-changing epiphanies. I might still be living abroad if I hadn’t hiked a dead volcano in New Zealand and realized that I...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Week 8 of 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Can I ask you this? How are we already two months into 2011? Isn’t that the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard? It seriously feels like I was just making my New Year’s resolutions like a week ago. But then again, I’m already regretting not putting “keep your email inbox in order” to that resolution list, b/c it is wild. I mean insane and out of control. Over the past three weeks I’ve somehow managed to accumulate 800 messages, the majority of them unanswered, b/c I’m working on a super-big project that I can’t tell you about yet. But the project will be done in about two weeks, and things will get back to normal. So if you’re looking for a return email from me, know that you’ll totally get one … two weeks from now. Meanwhile, lets talk about happier subjects — like this week at FaN. 1. Like Amy Robinson, I’ve had my share of battles with the mullygrubs. She’s right, yoga does help immensely. So does writing more. I often find that increasing my page count quiets my inner naysayer — either that, or I’ve just made myself too busy to listen to it. Either way, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a better word for this particular malaise. Seriously, Webster’s Dictionary should give Amy a call. [Tall Drink of Nerd: Quieting the Mullygrubs] 2. I’m still trying to figure out how Josh Pullin gets away with not carrying a diaper bag. I mean I read his post about it, but whenever I even start to consider doing the same, my mind completely shuts down. At the end of the day, I think Josh is just way more accepting of dealing with shit as it happens than I am — both...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Week 7 of 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hi Guys, Finally bringing this feature back this week, so Happy Belated Valentine. 1. I love that Eric Sims loves love. A lot of people complain about married people being smug, but I agree with Eric that love is actually a great equalizer. We all have access to it and we all have the ability to achieve it. Who cares if Hallmark invented the holiday? Isn’t love worth celebrating? [California Seething: Hurray for February] 2. Next Tuesday, I’m going to do a whole blogumn in response to Monique King-Viehland’s post about whether the children of b/w interracial couples should be seen as black or biracial. I haven’t talked about being in an IR or raising a biracial kid for a while now, so it ought to be a doozy. Meanwhile, do read the original. [Political Physics: I Agree with Halle] 3. Reading this week’s Dating Ell-A, I had a little flashback to my time in Japan. Went to a music festival at the last minute, and ended up having to wrangle an ex-boyfriend, a friend who wanted to escalate things, and an exciting new guy. I ended up going with the exciting new guy, and I don’t regret the decision now, though I do remember at the time feeling a quite guilty about not agreeing to “just talk” with the ex or “hang out” with the friend. I think women often have a hard time balancing fun and guilt. If you go somewhere to have fun, have fun, I say. [Dating Ell-A: Love the One You’re With?] 4. Unlike R.B. Ripley, I can usually spot an existentialist crisis coming a mile away. In fact, the main reason that I almost never go more than 72 hours without writing is because doing so throws me...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes and Writing Pad Event [Week 2 of 2011]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hello Dearest! Before we get into our fantastic week at Fierce and Nerdy, I just wanted to reminded you that I’ll be talking AND signing books TONIGHT at this Writing Pad event, along with Janelle Brown (ALL WE EVER WANTED IS EVERYTHING), Attica Locke (BLACK WATER RISING) and Ron Koertge (STONER AND SPAZ). So do come through if you want some inspiration for starting or finishing your novel this year. Okay, that’s all done, now on to the good stuff. 1. Kelli, I don’t think that the world has become more rude, just more crowded. I’m sure the folks at the first World’s Fair in St. Louis felt just as overwhelmed as you in Ikea. I would, however, argue that folks have gotten more impatient. I remember carts getting left in the middle of aisles when I was a kid. But now it drives me crazy, because I’m in a go-go-go rush. The result being that the world is no ruder than when I was younger (and as a Black American, I would have to argue that it is actually way more polite), but I am sadly more impatient with it. [Fierce in Seattle: Rude!] 2. It feels like Amy Brown reads a translated northern European murder mystery like every other day. It made me realize that I need to start reading more translated literature from other countries my own dang self. There’s so much good stuff out there! [Book Simple: In Avoidance of Classics [Last Nite a Murder Mystery Saved My Life] 3. Weirdly enough, I’m almost always in agreement with our resident contrarian. But Joe Rusin and I are very much on the opposite side of the resolution-making fence this week. While he argues that it’s self-serving and gets you the praise...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes & Programming Message
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So we’ve come to the time of the year, when my husband gets not one, but two whole weeks off and we spend that time doing stuff that doesn’t involve the internet. But not to worry. Last year when I went to Hawaii for two weeks as opposed to feeding the content dragon, we got a few complaints about leaving Fierce and Nerdy mostly blank. So starting the week after next, I’ll be burning off the rest of the year’s book reviews at And starting next Monday on, we’ll have year-end round-ups every weekday with our FaN bloggers weighing in on the best and worst of 2010. I can already tell you that there’s a ton of disagreement going around with a lot of folks “Best” showing up on other folks “Worst.” So do join the conversation (or argument) depending on how the comments go, starting next Monday. Til then, let’s review what happened on our last full blogging week of 2010: 1. Gudrun Cram-Drach solved the mystery of why women of all shapes and sizes look good in their jeans in France — but not so much here in America. I promptly made a resolution to do as the French do in 2012. Yes, I’ve already started my 2012 resolution list. Hey, being a chronic goal-setter ain’t easy, ya’ll. [Secret Life of an Expat] 2. Like Kelly Lett, I, too, am struggling to find a church that I fit into. We recently gave up on our old church because it’s inconveniently located now that we’ve moved. Also, the service time conflicts with our daughter’s daily nap (which she truly needs to be a decent human being). I’ve also become tired of the constant nagging and guilt-tripping that even the more liberal...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [December 10, 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
What a heckuva week. I finally got back to writing and oh um … I cut off all my hair again. “How short?” you ask? Well, did you know me in college? Yeah, that short. I know, I know, “Why did you cut off all your hair???” But I’m sure you already know what I’m going to say now. That’s right: full blog coming on Monday. Til then let’s check in with the rest of the FaN bloggers, none of which cut off all their hair this week … I think. 1. Zack, I have a question for you. If bears are supposed to be large gay men w/ lots of body hair, why does BearForce1 obviously invest in so much manscaping below the neck? Just wondering… Also, thanks for getting me all psyched about Christmas again. 2. I’m concerned that this week’s Dating Ell-A has destroyed our belief that you can “meet cute” in L.A. You so totally can, but yeah this particular time it didn’t turn out so hot. In fact, some might call it the worse case of giving a guy your real number ever. 3. Confession — unlike Debra Goykhman, I don’t have to worry about losing myself in holiday shopping for others … b/c well, I’ve kind of stopped giving gifts to anyone other than charity. It started with deciding to only giving gifts to a few close friends and family back in 2008. Then it was just the family that lived with me in 2009. But this year, we decided to take a family vacation as opposed to exchanging gifts. And I’m not going to lie, it’s made life a whole lot easier. 4. Um, I don’t want to spark a culture war here, but Eric, I do believe...
Hello Friday: 10 DAYS TO MORE CONFIDENT PUBLIC SPEAKING by Lenny Laskowski [Book 43 of 2010]...
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So I thought I’d end BOOK WEEK 2 with the book that — let’s face it — has probably helped me more than any other in my book promotion journey. It’s a plain little volume and doesn’t take long to read. So here are my thoughts on 10 DAYS TO MORE CONFIDENT PUBLIC SPEAKING by Lenny Laskowski. Why I Decided to Read It: Well I realized about two weeks before my summer book tour kicked off that I hadn’t given a speech since um … 1999 when I presented my thesis. And that speech went terribly. Really, really terribly. Seriously, it’s on my list of Top 10 Worst Moments Ever. It was that bad. Also, I stutter, soooo … I thought it might be a good idea to pick up a book on public speaking. I downloaded several, but somehow only ended up reading this one. What It’s About: This book ain’t frontin. The title pretty much says it all. What Makes It Different? Well, I’m a busy chyck, and I just loved the idea of learning a new skill in 10 days. Hmm, now that I think about it, I can put my finger on the exact reason that I chose to read this book over all the other ones that I downloaded. What I Loved: Due to a combination of dread and being really, freaking busy, I ended up reading this book in three days as opposed to the recommended ten, and I only had a couple of days to implement Laskowski’s advice — but lo and behold it worked! I’ll go over my favorite tips below. What I Didn’t Like: I didn’t quite understand why the Princeton Language Institute took a co-author credit, when it was quite obviously from Laskowski’s POV....
Hello Friday: November 15-19, 2010 [FaN Notes]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I’ve had a pretty amazing week in that I gave my last book event speech of 2010, finished the second draft of THE AWESOME GIRLS GUIDE TO DATING EXTRAORDINARY MEN, received fantastic baby news from my copy editor/friend, began a new project (which I’ll tell you about after it’s done), and hit my pre-maternity weight (though it’s rather disturbingly been distributed in all new places). But enough about me, let’s break open our even more terrific week at FaN: 1. As I’ve mention many times before, 32 CANDLES is a failed NaNoWriMo challenge. So I found it all sorts of interesting to hear from Gudrun, who actually met her 50,000 wd goal a year after she did so. Also, Amy Robinson, you’re a rock star, b/c I didn’t even make it to the halfway point. 2. I made it a whole two days depending on LA transportation, before using $600 of the $3000 dollars I moved to LA with to buy a beater. Kelly is way more intrepid than I am. 3. Joe Rusin made me think that there might be an interesting documentary in visiting movie landmarks located outside of LA. Who knew about those dinosaurs from PEE WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE??? 4. The writer in me wonders what the world would be like if everyone were asexual like Dr. Miro’s advice seeker this week. Hmm…. 5. Kelli Bielema is a better woman than I. I’d let all of my teeth rot in my mouth if I was immune to...
Hello Friday: Blame Delia Hauser for No Hello Friday
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I ain’t going lie, ya’ll. We got to running our mouths in the Apartment Therapy-featured living room below. So now no time for Hello Friday, before I head off for my radio interview. But if you have any interest in what will probably be the coolest DIY wedding in the history of ever, do check out her awesome blog, MARTHA STALWART and click on the pic to see the rest of her apartment, which she designed from the ground up on a very tight...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes November 5, 2010
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Whatta week! I’m jetlagged, sick (more about that next week), and waaaaay behind. Basically my beloved FaN was the only thing that went right this week. So let’s talk about that, shall we? 1. Like, my writing exchange partner, Gudrun, I’ve been in a funk all week. Wondering if we’ve developed a weird symbiotic, trans-continental relationship. Anyway, her 10 suggestions for getting over a funk are brilliant! Now if I can only find some time to try them out… 2. Live in L.A. and looking for a dog? Kelly Lett has a beauty named Trifecta who needs a home. 3. I have no feelings whatsoever for the BCS — quite frankly, I wasn’t even aware it existed before Joe Rusin defended it. But really, when you think about it, the nomination process for just about every big competition — especially in the arts — is grossly unfair and ridiculously subjective. 4. I so far haven’t been treated badly by any of my ex-boyfriends, so I can’t really compare — but man, this chyck’s ex-BF seems exceptionally douchey. So glad Dr. Miro could help out with some advice. 5. I really think Amy should submit her mom’s house for an episode of GHOST HUNTERS. Her IRL haunted house story is just fascinating, and also, really, really...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Halloween Weekend 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
By the time you read this I’ll be on my way to NYC for Saturday’s Circle of Sisters Book Club. So hoping to see a bunch of you there. Meanwhile here are my thoughts about our super-terrific week at Fierce and Nerdy. 1. Like Michael Kass, I’m not a huge fan of Halloween. But my Halloween trauma story involves wearing a plastic Shera costume to my popular-girl cousin’s Halloween party, only to find out that everyone else was wearing non-plastic costumes. Since then I’ve come to accept that I will almost always be wearing the wrong thing at any given party. But that memory still burns. 2. Debra G, if CH lost his job and I could not finagle another book deal, I’d be okay with selling off every piece of furniture that we own — save our bookshelves. That is all. 3. You know I’ve never worn a slutty Halloween costume, but Dr. Miro kind of made me want to give it a swing. Next year. This year I’m going to be in NYC, probably having breakfast with Dr. Miro, then catching a matinee of FELA, then going down to New Jersey for my new goddaughter’s first Halloween. Fun! Fun! 4. I’ve also never cut a date short with a fake sickness, so I was very impressed that Alex or Emmy was able to do this with a straight face. Hoping there’s a part 2 to this story. 5. Zack’s inspirational blogumn about more creative Halloween costumes made me feel really bad that I haven’t bothered w/ a Halloween costume this year– but um, not bad enough to to actually dress up. See...
Hello Friday: You Say Hello, I Say Goodbye
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Sorry sweetlings, had to run home quick like a bunny to St. Louis unexpectedly. Will be back on Monday, but no Hello Friday or Procrastinate on This! today. Meanwhile, do, do, do avail yourself of FIERCE ANTICIPATION and “Kicking Back With Jersey Joe” which are both coming up later. 100% Love,...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [October 1, 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Guys, guys, guys, sorry I’ve been so out-of-pocket this week. I have not had dependable internet access on my laptop since last Wednesday. CH found me in the fetal position yesterday when he came home from work and pulled a fix out of nowhere. Thank the deity, b/c I’m still not sure how I survived even that long. But thanks to our downstairs desktop and intermittent pockets of time, in which my laptop deigned to actually work, I was able to post this week’s FaN, so at least we have that to talk about today. 1. Like Zack Bunker, I didn’t learn to cook until I moved in w/ someone. I’ve never had formal lessons, but like my mom (who was a terrible cook) once said to me. “If you can read, you can cook.” However, I didn’t really take cooking as seriously as I should have until I was single and got good and broke. Pasta is a wonderful (and cheap) thing. 2. Is it wrong that I felt the worst for the intern in Alex and Emmy’s latest horrible dating tale? 3. Thanks to Dr. Miro, I will never look at silicone the same way again. 4. I can assure you right now, that I will never, ever have what it takes to attempt a cleanse. I think I might be the only Angeleno who has never even considered one. 5. I seriously do hate TOP GEAR, but I do understand Eric Sims compulsion to watch it, even though he himself doesn’t drive. My smart, 5’3 butt watched the first five seasons of ANTM, without...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [Sept. 17, 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey, hey, hey! Back from DC, and resting up for a bit before I hit the road again, starting with Pittsburgh on Sept. 22. Oh, Pittsburgh, it’s been six years too long. Can’t wait to see you again. But that all plugged, let’s talk about the good stuff — that’s right, our week at Fierce and Nerdy. 1. I’ve been thinking about Michael Kass’s heavily-resisted spiritual moment all week. It felt like I was there in that cave with him. What an amazing travel story. 2. Like Debra Goykhman, it always seems I’m battling some low-grade addiction: to TV, to the internet, to all sorts of things. The only two things I don’t resist at all are music and books. In my opinion you can never have too much of either. 3. I loved the awkward threesome in this week’s “Ask Dr. Miro.” It felt like a great situation for a Samantha-centered version of Sex in the City. It’s also our most popular blogumn of the week. Congrats! 4. One commenter wondered why one of our “Dating Ell-A” bloggers gave the well-off Italian a second date after he took her to get a mani/pedi on the first one. All I have to say to that: curiosity is a hell of a drug. 5. My hats off to Josh Pullin, who recently began a journey to get down from 303 lbs to a healthy weight. Best of luck, Josh. We’re all cheering for...
Hello Friday: Merry Nerdy Christmas Betty… [FaN Favorites]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I still consider this post of my best moments of parenting so far… From December 25, 2009 Dearest Betty, Sometimes I wonder if you might want to be even a little bit cool when you grow up, and then I feel sorry for you because I know that you’ll be afraid to bring your popular-kid friends home for fear of them finding out about your nerdy lineage when they meet you’re not-even-trying-to-hide-how-geeky-we-are mom and dad. Your popular aspirations will also be thwarted by the fact that anyone who Googles “Betty Angela Hibbard” will find the below baby picture from now on. So here’s 32-year-old-me saying to future-15-year-old you that instead of Queen Bee, you might want to go for Queen Nerd. You have a good chance of achieving that goal with the foundation we’ve laid out for you. Also, study hard and keep your grades up — especially in math and science. You need a lot of math and science to become an astronaut. Love,...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [August 20, 2010] [BEST OF FaN]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So first up, as I’ve been alluding to ever since we booked the trip back in June, the fam is headed down to Hawaii for some much-needed R&R for the next two weeks. But never fear, we’re not abandoning you. We’ll actually be having two weeks of re-runs with our FaN writers and myself picking some of our favorite posts from the last two years. If you haven’t been with us from the beginning, then this is definitely the two weeks you should be reading. And if you have been with us, well, let me tell you, I’m getting quite a kick re-reading the posts that our FaN bloggers have been sending in. They’re like little gifts from the past, and I think you’ll enjoy re-reading them, too. So do come back on Monday for our BEST OF FaN. That all said, here is my Hello Friday for the week. 1. Like Zack Bunker, I find the Drag-U concept of turning women into fierce drag queens somewhat baffling. But if this show were set in a frat house or male strip club or anything like that, I’d be it’s #1 fan. 2. Like most people who have a couple years of therapy under their belts, I occasionally miss it. So Dr. Miro’s speed-shrinking event sounds all sorts of fabulous. 3. I don’t re-read books. And when I read posts like Amy Brown’s revisit of UNDER THE TUSCAN SUN, I’m glad for it. Loved the movie, though. But now I’m afraid to rewatch it. Luckily I don’t revisit movies either. 4. When I worked at the United Jewish Federation in Pittsburgh (still my favorite day job to date), they had several programs to send Jews who had never been to Israel there to visit. Basically...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [August 13, 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey-oh, unless things go terribly (which let’s face it, they totally could) I plan to debut a rad new dye job the next time I see you in this space. Ah, who am I kidding? Even if things go terribly, I’m still going to show you the results, so either way, definitely come back on Monday. Meanwhile, here are my thoughts about this week’s fan. 1. Like Gudrun, I’ve also been feeling grumpy, isolated and super restless. So I’m changing my hair. Usually I change my entire “look,” but since I’m trying to pare my wardrobe down to 14 things, I’m just going to go w/ my hair this time. 2. I actually might be feeling grumpy b/c I’m on my third week of Weight Watchers. And lemme tell you, Roya’s recipe for poutine, which looks really freakin’ yummy is not helping. 3. I wish I had read Joe Rusin’s post about alternatives to this summer’s dismal movie fare at the beginning of summer. Would have save myself a lot of complaining… 4. Monique’s article about how good CEOs don’t necessarily make good politicians, had me wondering… Exactly what are the characteristics of a good politician? 5. Last but not least. Wow, our new sex ed. column by Dr. Miro got a ton of hits. Thanks for the big welcome, guys! Got a sex-related question for Dr. Miro, but wanna keep it anonymous? Please look to the sidebar and click on the Dr. Miro box, which delivers your questions straight to her, without any middle-manning from me. Or you can just click...
Hello Friday: Highlights from the Road [FaN Notes]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I had what I’m fairly sure is going to be my last on-the-road book event of the summer at Artworks in Trenton last night. What a fantastic night of local art, food, and books (provided by the local independent bookstore, Classics Used & Rare Books). A ton of fun was also had at the NYC party the night before, moreso, because it was just rotten with intelligent Smithies (pics soon). But enough about me. Let’s talk about our ridiculously awesome week on Fierce and Nerdy. 1. You’ve got two more days to vote whether to keep the Fierce and Nerdy tagline “Puttin’ the chic in your geek” or go with the new one “We’ve got your geek right here.” So far the old tagline is winning. So if you want a new one, you’d bet vote now. 2. I’ve been avoiding renaissance fairs like forever. But as much as I loved the movie Labyrinth, I might have to take Michael Kass’s advice and give The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball a try. 3. I’m sad, b/c I don’t have another present-receiving occasion until Christmas, and Debra Goykhman has convinced me that I really can’t live without a Nespresso machine. 4. Friendly reminder to visit HELLHOUSE co-writer and beloved FaN contributor, Ryan Dixon, at San Diego Comic Con. He’ll be signing copies of his graphic novel, HELLHOUSE on Saturday from 12-2pm at the Viper Comic Book stand. 5. I agree with Justin Time that a sincere apology would have been better than whiny excuses about the iPhone 4’s reception issues. I’m not going to kick my iPhone 4 out of bed, but as a super-fan, I’m starting to wonder if Apple is taking us for granted if they can’t even come up with a decent apology....
Hello Friday: FaN Notes [July 16, 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
It was the best of weeks and the worst of weeks. No, seriously. A few of you have noticed that 32 CANDLES is not available in eBook form any longer. Why? Well, long story short, folks messed up and sent in the e-version without the last chapter. Yes, you read that right. I didn’t find out until two weeks in, b/c 1) I don’t re-read my own work after publication and 2) Apparently people think I’m WAY more literary than I actually am, and only one person mentioned being a little meh about the ending. Either way, I think you can pretty much figure out that I’ve been freaking out all week. The only reason I’m able to type these words without getting upset all over again is b/c I’ve come to the end of my emotional reservoir on the issue. For those of you who read this on Kindle, nook, or iBooks, you haven’t read the whole thing yet. We’re currently working out a solve with the retailers and hope to have this all resolved by next Friday. Meanwhile please send me an email at etc at if you bought the e-version before this week, so that I can drop you an email when this is all figured out. That all said, the only things that kept me going this week were the kind notes that I received from so many of our hardcover readers AND the wonderful host of articles on Fierce and Nerdy. Let’s talk about the latter, shall we? 1. I’m so happy that Kelly Kaboom got her dog, Derby, back, but even happier that she has a really big story to show for it. 2. Gudrun, I, too, sometimes get weirded out that the things I use the...
Hello Friday: Time, Time, Time…
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Thanks to the beauty of having a large family that has no problem with showing up to a book event shockingly late, I ended up giving my 20 minute reading speech not once but twice, last night. At first I was furious that the majority of my family wasn’t there when I started my speech, and I think it actually seeped into the original reading. But by the end of the night, I was grateful that my family showed up super-late and then had the nerve to demand that I do the speech all over again, because it taught me an important lesson about adapting. The second speech also went so well that it reminded me that sometimes things don’t go the way you expected them to. Sometimes they go even better. I’ll carry the memory of that night with me forever and it will always make me smile. Next up, I’ll be in Dallas next Thursday for a 7pm Book event at Legacy Books. Hope to see you there if you live in the area, though seriously, get there on...
Hello Friday: 32 CANDLES Edition Pt. 1 [This Week’s 32 CANDLES ASK]...
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Mark this date on your calendar: July 5. That’s when things will go back to normal here at Fierce and Nerdy. We’ll bring back your daily Procrastinate on This!, Thought Chuck, and One More Thing, and everything will be back to normal. Til then, whatta week, whatta week! 1. Thanks for all the sweet comments online and off about our new THEN and NOW series. It’s been so inspiring for me to read these stories and I’m glad they’re resonating with you, too. Go HERE to read this week’s batch of awesome THEN and NOW stories, and consider submitting one of your own. 2. I would really, really, really love to see you at either Leimert Park tomorrow (June 26) or at my book signing on Monday. Details for both events can be found HERE. 3. First week sales are super-important, so if you haven’t picked up your copy of 32 CANDLES yet, please do so HERE. 4. Want a 32 CANDLES T-shirt? Read the book and review it on your blog before July 4th and we’ll send you one! 5. Already read the book? Please consider leaving a review at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or GoodReads. 100% Love,...
Hello Friday: THE KARMA CLUB by Jessica Brody [Book 23 of 2010]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So obviously I’m still behind on my goal of 25 books before my own book comes out, but I’m going to make it, so come back this weekend, to see two more book reviews before we launch our new THEN and NOW series next week. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this series. The entries so far have been beyond touching, and I’m just delighted that there are so many people across the world who have made a change for the better since high school. Oh, and friendly reminder, there’s still time to submit your THEN and NOW story here. But enough about that, let’s get into today’s book, THE KARMA CLUB by Jessica Brody. Why I Decided To Read It: Jessica is a fellow Smithie, and every time, I told another Smithie about my book, her name would pop up. When I saw that she had her first YA novel out in April, I downloaded it (to my iPad) on the d.o.t. I also got one for my shelf, which I forgot to get signed when I finally did meet her. Doh! What It’s About: The main character, Madison, and her two best friends get dumped in pretty heinous ways, so they form a secret Karma Club to get back at their exes and the girl that replaced Madison. What Makes It Different: Well, some YA books read like they could m/b be a movie. This is basically the novelization of a teen movie that I would totally watch. What I Loved: Brody takes high school seriously. She demands better from her main character, and the book despite it’s glossy situations, turns out to be a real journey for Madison. It actually got me to thinking about karma and being...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Big congrats to our last T-shirt winner of the week, Nina Feldman. Now, if you want a t-shirt, then you definitely want to pre-order a book NOW. We’re only giving away six more t-shirts before June 22nd, so if you want to get entered to win. Pre-order the book and let me know that you did. That all reminded, here are my thoughts for our Fierce and Nerdy week: 1. It’s funny that Josh believes that women are more attuned to a baby’s cries and men turn a deaf ear. Tell that to my poor husband, who had to shake me awake in the middle of the night to give a wailing Betty sustenance more than once during her breastfeeding months. Mama sleeps like a log! 2. Have you filled out your THEN and NOW submission yet? If not, go HERE to do so. We’re not only making a donation to FFAWN for every submission we get, but we’re also giving away t-shirts to the first 20 people that tell us their THEN and NOW story. 3. Thinking about getting the new iPhone, read Justin Case’s rundown and preview first! Spoiler Alert: You’re DEFINITELY going to want the iPhone 4. 4. I downloaded THE PARTICULAR SADNESS OF LEMON CAKE as soon as I read Amy’s review. Can’t wait to listen to it! 5. Michael, I used to be in love with my Kindle, too, but the iPad stole my heart, now it’s totally my...
Hello Friday: FaN’s Biggest Fan [Fierce Thoughts]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Well, well, well, after a week of winners as far flung as Boston, St. Louis, New Jersey, and even China, we finally bring it home to good ole LA with today’s winner, Debra Barlow from “Two Cats and a Baby.” Friendly reminder to pre-order my book and let me know that you did, so that we can get you entered to win a T-shirt of your own. Other than let’s get into my thoughts on this week’s FaN. 1. I don’t think I’ve ever changed my mind so fast about something so major in my life. More next week, but after actually viewing an apartment, we decided that we are way beyond living in an apartment, and that it was time to find a house and settle down already, so now we’re on the hunt. But I still want to hear your moving stories, so go here to comment for the chance to win this week’s tote bag. 2. I want to point out that I TOLD Gudrun that she should go to Montreal with M rather than stay back in France. And now she’s been attacked by what sounds like a really brutal France-only weed. I don’t want to say that the whole world should listen to me more often, but I think this pretty much proves it. 3. Else’s tale of her Johnnie Walker tasting made me want to do a proper Scotch tasting myself. Maybe if the next book sells, I’ll do one as a sort of book launch party… 4. I’m going to go on a mango search this weekend, in order to make this terrific-sounding tea from this week’s Fierce Foodie. Thanks, Roya! 5. Congrats to Kelly on her 90 days! I, too, have problems asking people to hang...
Hello Friday: FaN Notes
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Big Congrats to today’s T-shirt winner, JaniceZ from “Sew Girly.” She pre-ordered 32 CANDLES, let me know that she did, and now she’s going to be rocking her own 32 CANDLES t-shirt this summer. What! Other than that, here are my thoughts for the week. 1. I agree with Josh Pullin that it’s hard to answer the question, “What’s new?” when you’re a parent. On one hand, I assume that you don’t really want to hear about how Betty seems to need to be holding an object in both hands in order to stand up on her own. On the other hand, I also assume you don’t want to hear about my latest novel rewrite ad nauseum. But that’s what’s new, so I just end up saying, “Nothing much…” 2. Justin Time says we should be concerned about our lack of privacy on FaceBook, but I don’t really value my privacy that much and don’t care if FB uses my info to help people sell me things. At this point, I feel that if I want any kind of privacy, I should probably just go ahead and get off the internet. However, if I get put on someone’s no-fly list because one of my friends “Likes” Cat Stevens, then we’ll see how blase I am about privacy then. 3. If you want a chance to win a 32 CANDLES tote bag, answer this week’s Comment Challenge question: “How do you watch TV?” 4. I dated a gamer once, and it didn’t even occur to me to pick up a controller and play with him every so once awhile. Debra is a very good wife. 5. I find it weird when people respond to rejection with angry notes or text messages. I always wonder what...
Hello Friday: FaN Thoughts [T-32 DAYS]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So as you might have noticed by looking at our current mood pic, there are now only 32 Days left until the official release of 32 CANDLES. I’ve got a butterfly pavillion installation going up in in my stomach and it will probably stay there until the end of summer. But I’m also so excited, I can hardly sleep. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, releasing a book is remarkably having a baby. You both fear and anticipate the due date. Anywho, let me congratulate Valerie Cheek, the winner of today’s T-shirt. Do you want a T-shirt, too? Just pre-order the book anywhere, let me know that you did, and we’ll get you entered to win. It’s that simple! That all promoted, here are my thoughts for the week. 1. On Gudrun’s recommendation, I’m listening to Gogol Bordello as we speak. They are indeed awesome. However, I don’t think I would be in good enough shape to participate in a concert, though I recognize that just going to one would be fantastic cardio. 2. I’ve been craving Johnny Cakes all week, thanks to Roya. Might have to go pick up some cornmeal at the grocery store today. 3. But maybe I could go to one of Richard Simmons’ LA based aerobics classes to work the Johnny cakes off… 4. Hey, friendly reminder. If you want to get entered to win a 32 CANDLES tote bag, all you have to do is answer the weekly Wednesday Comment Question. This week’s is, “If you had to wear the same thing for the next six weeks, what would it be?“ 5. While I’m picking up super fancy cornmeal for Johnny cakes at Whole Foods, I’m also going to pick up some Calendula, which Elise...
Hello Friday: Random Thoughts and Thursday’s T-Shirt Winner!
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Oh, hey lookee here. We’ve got out first male T-Shirt winner in Howard Leder from Los Angeles. Congrats, Howard! Jealous? No need to be. If you want to win your own 32 CANDLES T-shirt, just pre-order my book from any online or offline vendor, let me know (in comments, by Facebook, or email [etc at 32candles dot com]), and you’ll get entered to win! That all plugged, let’s move on to this week’s FaN. Here are more thoughts: 1. I would commiserate with Josh about turning his son around in the baby bjorn, but do you know that Betty basically refused a bjorn until she could be carried around in it facing out? Man, I was grateful when that day came! 2. Wow, Missy only had one day in Hong Kong, but her one day was way more exciting than my three-day trip to Hong Kong in 2000. Next time, I have to make sure to see the cranes “dancing” in the botanical garden. 3. Want a tote bag? Tell us what your bully taught you here. And don’t worry, next week’s topic is going to be WAY lighter, but mayhap equally important. 4. CH and I will both be visiting our inlaws this July, so I found Debra’s tale about her double inlaw trip especially interesting. 5. Else actually made me want to live in a themed house, but I’m fairly sure CH wouldn’t go for...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [FaN Review]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Well, four days into my week without childcare, my MIL came home early due to a serious gaffe with her Cher tickets on Harrah’s part. So boo that she didn’t get to see the legendary Cher in concert, but yay, that she’s already back. That all cheered, here are my thoughts for the week: 1. Still occasionally jumping up and down whenever I think about 32 CANDLES being in the July edition of Essence as their Book of the Month. Wonder when one stops jumping up and down. I mean will I still be doing this whenever I get news in my 70s. Hopefully my knees stay strong. 2. Everyone so once a while, I’m tempted to get some work done on the post-pregnancy bod, but then I’m reminded that bad plastic surgery skeeves me out so much, that it’s probably not worth the risk. Thanks, Zacki. 3. I really, really, really wish I could get an iPad before my trip to Scotland, and Justin Case’s surprising recommendation of the the wireless-only iPad over the upcoming one with 3G really isn’t helping. 4. Yeah, Debra G, we totally need a cleverer name for the modern day housewife. And while we’re at it, let’s rename stay-at-homes, too. 5. I think our single white nerd might have found The One. But m/b that’s b/c I’m a writer, and therefore a sucker for anyone who says, “Okay, go ahead and write about...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [FaN Review]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Before I get into the rest of my thoughts for the week, I want to point out that I’ve asked you deeply philosophical questions, I’ve poured my heart out to you about worries that keep me up at night, I’ve written about writing in ways meant to be bother thought-provoking and inspirational — but so far, my most controversial and commented-on post of the year has been the one about what age to take your kids to Disneyland. Presenting that fact w/o comment. 1. Reason #262 to become an expat — your Canadian border-crossing ordeals seem way more romantic than the average American’s. 2. I only sort of noticed the nice-teeth-on-people-who-shouldn’t-have-nice-teeth issue before, now thanks to Robin, it’s probably going to drive me crazy. 3. Who knew that global warming would inspire so many books in so many genres. Here’s what sounds like a Wolfian, satirical take in Ian McEwan’s SOLAR. 4. Amy R’s fantastic new blog, made me realize that I’ve never mooned anyone in my life. Better get on that… 5. I haven’t seen CLASH OF THE TITANS yet, but when I do, I know it’s going to be hard to get the Zachary Halley edition of Fierce Anticipation out of my head. Thank you for that,...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [FaN Review]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Oh guys, whatta wonderful week to be a fierce nerd. Here are my thoughts. 1. I literally had to drop Betty, poopie diaper and all, into her crib and run for the bathroom a couple of days ago, yet it never occurred to me to clear my bladder as soon as I heard Betty crying until our Stay-At-Home Nerd suggested it. 2. If my husband and I end up spending over a thousand dollars to early adopt the iPad, I will fully blame it on Justin Case. On another note, I wonder if it’s possible to write off an iPad. 3. I’ve been on this earth 33 years and I’ve done a spring cleaning exactly 0 times. But Debra’s Passover Cleaning blog makes it sound like giving our home a deep clean might be fun. Might… 4. Thank you guys SO much for all of the waking-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night insomnia cures. I particularly connected with Amy B’s (from “Book Simple”) friend’s suggestion that count backwards. I start at 900 and so far I haven’t gotten past 600 before falling back asleep. I’m also looking for to trying BabySmiling’s recording my worries trick and Amy R’s meditation podcast trick. Anywho, if you have the same trouble, I totally recommend the comments section of that post. 5. According to my Facebook comments this post made a lot of people who didn’t know Jeff Rogers cry. Me, too. Jeff, stop making us cry! I tear up just thinking about your dog who I have never...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [FaN in Review]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey guys, for those of you who have asked offline about the current mood status, I’m anxious and still have trouble sleeping because I’m completing the last third of my rough draft and worried about the upcoming release of my novel. If I were being truthful, I’d leave the anxious photo up all the way to June, but I promise to change it to something less neurotic this weekend. Promise! 1. Okay, I promise not to keep on thanking you for actually reading this site everyday, but we had another TERRIFIC week of ratings, with Thursday being our highest day of the year so far, thanks to this photo of a baby and mother gorilla and Kelly’s compelling account of beating addiction one day at a time. So thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 2. I’m shocked that I don’t have a cracked screen app myself. All I do is drop and abuse my iPhone, and I once accidentally dropped, it while getting out of my car at the old house, went to work the next day and didn’t find it until that evening. How it survived I don’t know. But it’s still ticking — with a slightly cracked back and no sound off switch (it jumped ship a few clumsy drops back) — but ticking nonetheless. 3. Actually, Amy B, one of the things I like best about LA is that no one really dresses up for anything. It gives you an an excuse to invest in designer jeans and it really makes you standing out when you do decide to dress up. Delia from “Martha Stalwart” pretty much only wears dresses, and I always remember her standing out like a pretty bird at parties. 4. Someone commented on Facebook that this homemade...
Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [Week in Random Thoughts]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I love that it’s getting warmer, but my sinuses are off-the-chain. It’s ridiculous and annoying to have all the symptoms of being sick: running nose, itchy throat, constant sneezing w/o actually being sick. But at least I have this awesome blog to keep me company. 1. I know that this WENCH review isn’t from this week, but I met and hung out with Dolen Perkins-Valdez last night, and now I feel compelled to both re-recommend that wonderful book AND tell you that you’ve got to go to this jazz club, La Lousiane. Very old school club — we were probably the youngest people in the room by a good 20 years, but if this is how the senior citizen crowd rocks, sign me up. It was so much fun, with a great mix of blues, jazz and jazzed-up music like Prince’s “Kiss,” the Eagles’s “Hotel California” and a few others. 2. Does it feel like life is passing me by now that I’m a write-at-home mom? Not at all. But I will admit to having those fears at the beginning of new motherhood. I was very afraid of losing myself to this new role. But now it feels like I’ve actually taken on a better role and that I’m finally living the life I was meant to live. Hopefully, I’ll feel the same way when we retire. 3. I think this was supposed to be an anti-Tivo screed, b/c basically Justin is saying that even w/ all the problems he had w/ Tivo, it’s still a better system than most other DVRs on the market. Either way, I’m sad that neither Verizon Fios or AT&T Universe are offered in my neighborhood. I feel that they should stop running national ad campaigns if they’re not...
Hello Friday: Fierce (Yet Random) Thoughts for the Week
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Well, I have all sorts of lovely plans for today, including venturing out to get some fancy grown-up business cards. But before that let’s look back on our very fierce, incredibly nerdy week. 1. I’ve been thinking about Michael Kass’s “moments of grace” theory all week. Especially so when I got peed on by my daughter, while she was sitting on my lap, waiting for me to run a bath. Anyway, it’s definitely worth bookmarking for the next time you have a rainy day. 2. Between Gudrun and Amy, I’m finding it very hard to resist Paris. Maybe I can plan a trip for 2012. We’ll see if the travel gods are kind. 3. I seriously wonder how I lived without an iPhone baby monitor for a whole 8 months. I especially appreciated being able to watch Betty sleep in my dentist’s office. Seriously, geek parents, do this for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. 4. If I were alone for the weekend and could only cuddle up with one magazine … I would probably pick Essence or The New Yorker. But Cooking Light would probably be a close runner-up. Okay, not really. Maybe if I were a little (alright a lot) more domestic… 5. If you’re an English or Theater major and didn’t see this earlier in the week, do yourself a favor and watch it RIGHT...
Hello Friday: Random Thoughts for the Week
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey Guys, so many changes this week. So good friends are leaving town for two years — one of the hazards of living in LA, it seems like friends move away all the time. Also, my husband’s work schedule has changed, for the better, since it means that he’ll have Fridays (as opposed to Mondays) off now, and no more having to saying “he’s working” when I go to Friday night events and people ask me where he is. Anywho, here are my random thoughts about this week’s edition of Fierce and Nerdy. 1. Sorry for the mid-week loading problems, but you might notice that Fierce and Nerdy is now downloading a lot faster in general. My devoted spouse fixed the problem and now we’re zooming. 2. As the daughter of someone with a terrible shopping addiction, I agree with Kelly Kaboom that addictions-ARE-addictions. If it interferes with your life, compromises your family, and loses you friends, then it’s an addiction. I only wish that more people were as brave as Kelly about confronting theirs. 3. I’m wondering if there’s an audiobook edition of SHARP TEETH by Toby Barlow, and if so, if it’s better than the physical book — it being an epic poem and all. 4. My biggest thrill of the week has been receiving the photoshop gift at the left from slpc after featuring the website, “Babieswithlasereyes” on Monday. 5. I really want to try the Eggplant and Sausage Pasta recipe featured on Fierce Foodie this...
Hello Friday: Random Thoughts [Fierce Inspiration]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hello there. Guess who finally figured out what to write about in this here spot? Moi. I wasn’t quite satisfied with Random Thoughts, but I don’t have the time to do Best Of Comments anymore, so I decided to combine the two, and do Random Thoughts on this week’s blogs. Comprende? Either way, here we go. 1. According to my Facebook friends, quite a few people weren’t aware that Sweet Valley High was no longer being published. So they were quite surprised to hear about it’s comeback. 2. My Facebook friends also seem to really want this Indiana-Jones-inspired satchel. Can you blame them? 3. I actually love putting together IKEA furniture. I find it very meditative, and at the end of assemblage it feels like I’ve done some. When I was a starving artist, barely keeping my head above water, nothing made me feel more capable than putting together a piece of really cheap IKEA furniture. But our Stay-at-Home Nerd feels exactly the opposite. 4. I think Debra from NewlyNested is probably the only one in California who feels they “missed out” on the snowstorm. Let me tell you, it’s so hot here, that I’ve started having to carry water on my afternoon walks with Betty. And that’s the way I like it! 5. Seriously, please watch Sins of My Mother on the Lifetime Movie Network this week. Not only is the book it’s based on just fantastic, but it’s kind of hard to complain (as I often do) about the lack of quality movies about women being made if you don’t support the good stuff. Seriously when was the last time you saw a movie based around the life of a black nerd? Go here for my review of the book and more...
Hello Friday: Five Random Thoughts for January 22, 2010
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
1. I am having the WORST week. Betty has a terrible head cold, our basement is flooding, my sinuses are acting up, and my weight has totally plateaued, which makes me really unmotivated to exercise. 2. I haven’t finished this week’s book yet for the reasons listed above. 3. I also really need to wash my hair. I’m convinced that things will just be so much better if I can find an hour to wash my hair. 4. Ryan Dixon is off again this week, but we’re hoping to bring in a series of subs for FIERCE ANTICIPATION, starting next week. 5. Rain, rain go away! No seriously, I didn’t move to LA for the hail and torrential rain...
Hello Friday: a,b,c,d,etc [Random Thoughts for the Week]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
a. I finally found a blazer at The Lucky Brand store. It’s clever, b/c it’s made of sweatshirt material. I plan to wear it everywhere. b. CH asked me to pick the top 10 movies I would like to see for my birthday, and I could only come up with eight that I had any interest whatsoever in seeing. Indie movies feel like such a huge FAIL right now. c. I’m going back and forth about whether to outline The Awesome Girl’s Guide to Dating Extraordinary Men. It’s such a lovely mumble right now. The romantic in me wants to just start writing and let it work itself out. The pragmatist in me know that I’ll hate not having an outline on the days that I don’t feel like writing but do so anyway. d. Ryan Dixon won’t be with us today for “Fierce Anticipation.” But he’ll be back next week. Don’t worry. etc. I’m looking awfully forward to turning 33 tomorrow, but not as forward I’m looking to turning 40. That’s going to be...
Hello Friday: Random Thoughts As We Go Into the Weekend
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Sorry, guys, I’m going to have to abandon “Fiercest Nerds on the Block” b/c it was a little too time-consuming. I’m looking for something else to put in this space, so if you have any suggestions, let me have them. For now I’ll just go with some random thoughts to end the week. Next week I’m going to be 33. They make a big deal about your 33rd birthday here in Cali, b/c it’s you’re “Jesus Year” — you know Jesus died when he was 33. I’m hoping not to die this year, though, so I’m not sure what I should do with that notion. Did anyone else do anything special for their 33rd birthday? I still haven’t seen Avatar. That makes me really sad. I’m working on the very last pass of 32 CANDLES all weekend. It’s shocking to me that this book will be here in six months, and it’s starting to keep me up at night. I’ve also started having apocolyptic nightmares again. Ah well. It feels like welcoming an old friend home. I like apocolyptic nightmare to the ones I was having before they came back, which pretty much all involved dropping or losing Betty — way scarier for...
Hello Friday: Merry Nerdy Christmas Betty…
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Dearest Betty, Sometimes I wonder if you might want to be even a little bit cool when you grow up, and then I feel sorry for you because I know that you’ll be afraid to bring your popular-kid friends home for fear of them finding out about your nerdy lineage when they meet you’re not-even-trying-to-hide-how-geeky-we-are mom and dad. Your popular aspirations will also be thwarted by the fact that anyone who Googles “Betty Angela Hibbard” will find this baby picture from now on. So here’s 32-year-old-me saying to future-15-year-old you that instead of Queen Bee, you might want to go for Queen Nerd. You have a good chance of achieving that goal with the foundation we’ve laid out for you. Also, study hard and keep your grades up — especially in math and science. You need a lot of math and science to become an astronaut. Love,...
Hello Friday: Rewriting and Drinking Lots of (Kona) Coffee
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So you know I find it nigh near impossible to quit you guys for any real length of time. But alas, I’m going away for the holidays this year, and I have got to finish this rewrite of my novel, plus the hubby mentioned something about actually wanting our family to spend some time together while we’re on our family vacation, plus I’m not sure what my internet situation is going to be in Hawaii, soooo we’ll still be posting but in a limited way until the new year. Expect to see Procrastinate on This!, One More Thing, Three Line Lunch, the occasional personal blogumn from me, and a few blogumns for our regulars. But other than that I’ll be on vacay, rewriting, swimming, reading, eating loco moco, drinking lava floats, and trying to talk my husband out of hiking — which will be considerably harder this year, since quite a few of our black readers have let him know that (despite my fervent claims to the contrary) it is genetically possible for black people to enjoy hiking. Thank you for that. But you know, something about not working for a bit always inspires me to work even harder when I get home, so hopefully I’ll come up with a few ideas to make Fierce and Nerdy even more kick-ass next year. Til then… 100% Aloha,...
Guess the Random Lyric: You=3; Me=1
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
WonderfullyAwflRobin from “Wonderfully Awful” guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “Christmas in Hollis” by Run DMC. Apparently you people are Christmas freaks, b/c you’ve already won the week. But let’s finish this up anyway with 70s or 80s Friday. The lead singer of this song died way before her time, but she left behind this holiday gem. And right now I’m not sure that I’ve ever heard a truer holiday lyric than this next one: But all this year’s been a busy blur Don’t think I have the energy Guesses in the comments and Run DMC after the jump. I had forgotten how utterly fantastic (read: awesomely cheesy) this video...
Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Nov. 13-19]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
What an awesome week! Sami got her baby back on Days of Our Lives and Al Gore was on 30 Rock. Plus I’m in the middle of a really good book. Seriously could life be any better? HELLO FRIDAY re: FIERCE ANTICIPATION: November 13-15, in which Ryan Dixon dissed both 2012 and Cincinnati. Kyle: I just watched 2012 at midnight last night, and it was like 10,000 time better than I thought it would be, I actually kind of enjoyed it. Cincinnati has Graeter’s ice cream, and unless you have tried that you can’t really say anything bad about Cincinnati. I had to bribe a security guard at the school post office to brake in so that the ice cream my grandma send me would not melt… it was the best money I ever spent. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Tall Drink of Nerd: Bonding Over Board Games, in which Amy Robinson confessed that she hails from a family of cold-hearted trash talkers and solicited suggestions for more board games for them diss each other over. (Thought) Chuck: My brother turned me on to “Settlers of Catan” and that’s a really fun one – too bad it’s only good for 4 players (6 with the expansion set.) Another one we played this weekend which we enjoyed a lot was “Bang” – it’s a spaghetti western card game where outlaws and renegades try to shoot the sherrif and vice versa. We played with about 10 people and it was hysterical. We also played a farming strategy game called “Agricola” which was cute. Another fun one that is similar is “Guillotine” – a card game where you collect nobles from a line of people on their way to be executed. You can play cards that screw other players...
Hello Friday: Gone Fishin!
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
And by fishing, I mean to the art museum. This is Liz’s and my last sister day b/f the hubby gets here, so we’re taking advantage of it with a trip to the St. Louis Art Museum and then Steak & Shake for lunch. Perfect, right? Sorry for the two-week skip, but we’ll definitely be back next week with a full edition of “The Fiercest Nerds on the Block.” Also Fierce Anticipation and the Friday Edition of Procrastinate this are still in today’s hop, so come back for that. Much love,...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Oct. 2-8]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Is it just me or was this a really crazy week at (1-year) ole Fierce and Nerdy. We had placenta bears, religion, and cemeteries and it ain’t even Halloween yet! But here are the best of the best comments from the week. HELLO FRIDAY re: Guess the Random Lyric [Friday], in which guest lyric-giver CH tried to win the week with “Brown Sugar” by the Rolling Stones. Joshua: Arg, I’m awful at these, so rather than simply try to guess it I’m going to, by process of elimination help the rest of you by saying with some hesitation that I’m RELATIVELY sure this song isn’t from Slayer :p PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Fierce in Seattle: That Time of the Year, in which Kelli Bielema encouraged all women to get an annual mammogram — even if you’re under 40. All of the comments were great, but I chose this one, b/c she used the word “boobies.” Peg: very cool. I had a mammo b/c I was having pain in my boobies and they thought there may have been abnormalities so I had to have an MRI. It was very scary but everything came back ok. We kind of decided it was due to an increase in caffeine as I had just started drinking “water joe”. I don’t drink coffee or soda so I think my body was just freaking a bit. Anyhoo, now I drink green tea and my boobs don’t hurt anymore but I’m still scared. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Book Simple: The Perfect Short Story for Office Drones, in which our newest blogger, Amy Brown admits she doesn’t like short stories, but then goes on to explain why Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener” just might be the perfect short story for office workers everywhere. JWR:...
Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block Sept. 14 – Oct. 1
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Well, you might have noticed a change in my mood (picture) and yes, that means that I’ve finally finished my big HarperCollins rewrite. I could not be happier about this, and I’m super-excited to get back to the second novel, even if I’m not sure it will sell, since it’s way outside of my first novel’s genre. Ah well, at least I have the stability of your comments here on FaN. Check out our best of from below: HELLO FRIDAY Best Line From A Post You Should Have Read: [If] you look at a pair of tomatoes a certain way, and you cup them in your hands, and you’re maybe a little hard up, you might possibly think of breasts or testicles. The French did call them “apples of love.” — Roya Hamadani, Fierce Foodie: Nice Tomatoes PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: The Great Wide Betty, in which I wondered what Betty will be like when she grows up. Polly: You can discover a child every single day as they change and grow into a citizen of the world. This is one of the great joys of having a child in your life. Just knowing them is an adventure. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: NewlyNested: $300,000 For A Miniature House, in which Debra Goykhman lamented shopping for a house Southern California. DebraB: We just bought a house in the LA area and, yeah, it is super expensive. I don’t know where your hometown is, but mine is in middle of nowhere Texas. Yes, I could have gotten a mansion for the price I paid for my modest one story here, but then…I’d be living in middle of nowhere Texas. So, first, you have to stop comparing the market here to anywhere else. Pay more attention to the...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Sept. 18-24]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Good Gawd, mama’s tired. Miss Betty is calling herself trying to cut a tooth, and she has been letting us know that she’s not happy about this situation at various times in the morning for like two nights now. Not cool, man. Not cool. But at least the comments did us right this weeked. Check ’em out! HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: Sept. 18-20, in which Ryan Dixon rhapsodized about his love for Buffalo Wild Wings, which thankfully has opened a location in Burbank as of Monday, Sept. 21st. Ronnn: Ryan: I cannot believe that you like Buffalo Wild Wings over the awesome Quaker Steak & Lube Wings, or the huge Coney wings in downtown Indiana. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Three Line Lunch: Red Waits, in which Jeff Rogers waxes poetic about his dog, Red, who is nearly blind and deaf, but continues to wait for him by the door, even though he often can’t see or hear him come in. marsha: sniff. and smile. at the same time. thank you for this OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Will the Christian Right Be the Death of the Republican Party?, in which Monique King-Viehland wonders if the Republican Party is getting eaten alive by its right-wing, Christian base. CH: I do wonder if the Goldwater Republicans and Blue dog Democrats shouldn’t start a third party that reflects [their] views? It seems like both of them are being marginalized by the current system. WOW, IT’S WEDNESDAY re: Wonderfully Awful: Kitty Poop Chronicles, in which Robin Rosenzweig chronicled her cat’s battle with diarrhea puddles, which he made all over the apartment. Good times. AmyQOTWF: When our cat KoE had her glands expressed, she had the worst diarrhea. She would be laying next to me and get that...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Sept. 4 – 10]
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Whatta week! We celebrated our 1-year blogoversary and as it turns out it now takes me more than a week to clean up real good for a big event, like this weekend’s Technical Emmys. But enough about that, let’s get into the best comments of the week: HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: Sept 5-7, in which Ryan Dixon told us about Jordan’s, magical furniture store with a Yankee-eating green monster at the entrance. At least one reader was offended: Jersey Joe: I am shocked and dismayed over the Yankee eating green monster. That sir, will assure the world, that I will never set foot in this chain, ever. Thank you for your excellent coverage, so I do not spend any of my hard earned dollars on a Red Sox loving establishment… OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Is it Socialist to Care About “The Least of These,” in which Monique put forth the question of whether we as a people have a responsibility to take care of “the least of these” in our society. Of course the discourse quickly turned to health care. All of the comments were great, but I’m using this one, b/c it reflects the diversity of opinion that can be found at FaN: Debra: For the most part, I’ve kept my nose out of this issue with friends because I know very few of them agree with my political beliefs, but why not? I consider myself both a Christian and a Republican. I care about the less fortunate. I give to charities and donate to my church. I bake for bake sales to benefit people in need. I help with all the various charity drives they have at my office during the year. However, I do not believe in public...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [August 31 – Sept. 3]...
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Wildfires, Beans, and Burning Man. Whatta week! And check out these comments: PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY Go Stillers! in which we put forth a searing expose about grooming practices that produced dogs like the one featured above. Raoul: Wow, Polamalu really let himself go post season! OH, IT’S TUESDAY High Fructose and the KKK are SO Good For You! in which we said “hell yeah!” about drag queen, Jackie Beat’s send-up of those high fructose corn syrup “re-education” ads. keldoo: Shiiiiiiiiiiit! Thanks! I love Jackie Beat. She is a national treasure & disgrace! : ) WOW! IT’S WEDNESDAY! Buy Me This: Survival Edition, in which CH walked us through the steps of making a basic survival bag in case of emergencies. Mmm, military rations! LucyBB: I got a delux edition that comes with chemicals to make a toilet in a bucket, complete with toilet seat. My roommate made fun of me but I told him, “Have fun pooping in the yard. You’re not getting near my toilet.” DEAR THURSDAY Your Best Summer Fling, in which we asked what your favorite new show of the summer was and what you were looking forward to come fall. cybele: I think Human Target will be fun (is it a mid-season?) and I think that The Good Wife has a lot of potential (excellent cast). I’m on the fence about Community – maybe because I’m afraid to like it because it’s kinda...
Procrastinate on This! Remembering John Hughes
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Since the original title of my upcoming book was A Molly Ringwald Ending, it might be easy to guess that I was a huge — I mean HUGE fan of the John Hughes movies of the 80s. And I was just extremely sad when CH emailed me yesterday with the news of his untimely passing, due to a heart attack. Therefore this week’s big Procrastinate on This! round-up will be dedicated to one of my favorite screenwriters of all time, Mr. John Hughes. 1. I am in full-agreement with this list of Top 5 John Hughes movies, but I might have given Some Kind of Wonderful an Honorable Mention. [Jezebel] 2. I loved this film-oriented obit of JH. [Defamer] 3. Oh man, sorry Molly Ringwald. As it turns out, Redheads have more pain — or fun if your a redheaded sado-masochist. [New York Times] 4. My favorite song from a John Hughes movie is “If You Were Here,” but this is my second favorite. Thanks to former co-worker, Lisa D for reminding me about it. [YouTube] 5. Sadly, I can’t find the ending of Sixteen Candles on YouTube in English, but here it is in Spanish. I think the teenage-girl wetdream wonderfulness of this ending still...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block July 31-August 6
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Having written a book that somewhat revolves around the movie, Sixteen Candles, I’m still reeling from John Hughes death, but at least I have this week’s comments to give me comfort. HELLO FRIDAY re: FIERCE ANTICIPATION: July 31-August 2, in which Ryan Dixon confesses to cheating on The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York by Robert A Caro, by diddling around w/ a bunch of other books at the same time. What a slut! Joe: The way I see it, as long as you don’t read another book in the apartment with The Power Broker, you’re golden. Be respectful of your book, but what The Power Broker doesn’t know won’t hurt it. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Hippie Squared: A True Love Story About True Love, in which Jeff Rogers told us an oh-so-romantic story about an WWII officer forced to leave his true love behind in Japan after being denied permission to marry her by General MacArthur to marry her. One commenter and myself thought the officer was being a bit of a true love wuss by leaving his true love behind, but another commenter pointed this out: Molly: Sweet story! You didn’t say, but I expect the reason he had to ask permission during wartime is b/c he could have been charged w/ some sort of treason, aid & comfort to the enemy, throw in military jail, or worse. Not just a simple matter of deference to authority. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: NewlyNested: The (Strange) Dog Days of Summer, in which Debra Goykhman told us about a blind Border Collie w/ his own seeing-eye dog and the dye in blue M&Ms being a possible cure for back pain. Don’t ask. keldoo: Border Collies are one of my weak spots. And...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Blocks July 23-30
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Just what is in Sauce Americaine and how should one properly spell “yay?” We’ve learned a lot this week at good ole Fierce and Nerdy. Check it out: HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: July 24-26, in which Ryan Dixon told us the worst guinea pig story in the history of ever. Seriously, you’ve got to read it to believe it. Larry: Was that the original script to “G-Force”? Troma Films present…a Lloyd Kaufman film…”G-Force: The Carnage.” I’ll have to show this to my daughter when she grows up. Oh…and thanks for mention of my late mother’s breast. Classy! PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Tall Drink of Nerd: Recession Recess, in which Amy Robinson gives us a bunch of great free, recession-ready workout tips, including monkey bar pull-ups. Her husband co-signed that check in the comments: Seen: Just to reinforce what Amy said, she does look ridiculous when she’s doing her exercises. (I’m just kidding, she looks sexy, but she’s too modest to say that), but it’s not about how you look, it’s about feeling better and I can tell you that nothing makes you feel better than getting out in the fresh air. Here’s a website and podcast to prove it.… OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Dying for Reform, in which Monique King-Viehland put forth that self-serving, insurance-company pandering Democrats may be the biggest obstacle to getting healthcare reform passed. Donna: See this reminds me of the old saying……You Cannot Trust Anyone!! WOW, IT’S WEDNESDAY re: How Do You Spell “Yay!”, in which we wondered after the proper spell of this popular exclamation: is it yea, yay, or yeah? Final verdict: slpc: I’m usually a nice person, but not when it comes to people who write “Yea” for “yay.” It’s “Yay! I’m excited!” Like...
Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block July 17-23
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey guys! Whatta a week. And of course the comments were wonderful as usual. Check out our best of… HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce OR Nerdy: Aliens vs. Ghosts, in which slpc asked us to compare the scariness and sexiness of ghosts and aliens. JessicaH: Not so scared of ghosts – not so believing in aliens (at least not in their having been to earth)… But ghosts I bet can be pretty sexy (i.e., Ghostbusters)…. Maybe. Can I switch my vote to robots? PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Single White Nerd: Love in the Time of Twilight, in which Michael Kass feels sorry for the boys that have to compete against the Edward Cullen ideal in order to get laid. (Thought) Chuck: I don’t know about wanting to be a 200-year-old adolescent pretty boy – but to me the whole TWILIGHT thing is all about the boy NOT biting (i.e. kissing or screwing) the girl – which is why straight males are doomed if their girlfriends want guys who emulate the characters portrayed in the movie. Who wants to have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is all about tortured yearning & aching without any kind of relief of all that teen “angst” or “pressure?” Yet perhaps the biggest irony in all of this is that, despite all this so-called “abstinence marketing appeal,” teens (and especially teen girls) are having more & more sex at younger & younger ages. So perhaps there IS hope out there for you underage horndogs! OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: The Short of the Matter, in which I lamented being told I would be tall … and then ending my growth spurt at 5’3. DebraB: I’ve always wanted to be 5’6″. I’m hoping my daughter makes it there. Based on her father’s height, she...
Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block July 10-16
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Whatta week. CH got an Emmy nomination, and of course the comments were off the hook. Check ’em out: HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: July 10-12, in which Ryan Dixon made a case for Sheetz being the best convenience store in the history of ever. One reader/former employee agreed: Laura: I now live in CA, but used to live in Northern VA and worked for Sheetz for 3 years as an assistant manager. They were the best convenience store around at that time, and have only gotten better from what I can tell. (Side note, there were also a pretty decent company to work for!) Nobody out here knows about Sheetz, and when I try to explain, some people go ‘Oh! Like am/pm.’ or Jersey transplants go ‘like WaWas’ and the answer is NO. There is nothing like Sheetz. End of story. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Tall Drink of Nerd: Father Time, in which Amy Robinson struggled with her father’s recent diagnosis of leukemia. jenny: My grandfather had leukemia, and sadly pasted away this year due to stomach cancer. It’s hard being far away from family. Every moment is precious. This thanksgiving I went home to spend the last holiday with him, and it was wonderful. I would curl up in a chair a drift off to sleep with him, just being close was a comfort. Oddly enough, he was more comfortable with the fact of his time left, yet none of us were. My grandparents had 6 kids, and I know that it was great for them to all be together and a space of support. But I do want to tell you, my grandfather did overcome leukemia, and at the age of 83 without any major surgeries, etc. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re:...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block: June 26th – July 2nd...
posted by Sallie Patrick
Cars for Hamsters, Jack v. Jill Jock Stats, Fame, and a Traveling Geek Show! That’s a pretty nerdy sampling of the week. And here’s more: HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce OR Nerdy, in which slpc asked us to choose between Up and Down or Around… Justin_Time: Teacups = Upchucks. Give me a coaster any day. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Fierce in Seattle: Another Year Under the Belt, in which Kelli Bielema celebrated the experience and confidence that comes with age… Katy Brisbois: Kel! I love ya! And so sorry I missed your birthday! You have always been a creative inspiration for me and now wisdom falls in with it! OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Skids, Mudflap and Race in Transformers ROTF, in which Monique King-Viehland examined the continuing portrayal of black stereotypes in Hollywood… Brent: …in “Transformers 2”, it wasn’t just the Amos & Andy-bots that offended me. There was also the stupid, midget Egyptian border agent. The stupid, buck-toothed, brown foreigner (either African or East Indian) butcher. As well as the depiction of Paris as a place where we Americans have to endure stupid, rude mimes interrupting us while we try to eat their horrible food (ooh snails – gross!). (More Nerds After the Jump…) WOW! IT’S WEDNESDAY! re: Wonderfully Awful: Wonderfully Wonderful, in which Robin Rosenzweig shared with us her badass engagement, roller-derby style, and Ernessa resurfaced to comment… ernessa: Ohhhh! What a wonderful proposal!!! Perfect mix of derby and romance. Mazel Tov! DEAR THURSDAY re: Secret Life of a Nerd Girl: Weight, how do I do this again?, in which Gudrun Cram-Drach struggles to count calories in the country where brioche is king and brie is queen… keldoo: Yeah, I’m not sure how you are surviving with all of that tempation. It’s...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block: June 19-25
posted by Sallie Patrick
It’s been an epic week to be a guest editor: Star Wars, LOTR, 4th of July Embarrassments, and Baby Betty was born! A truly momentous week for FaN. HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce OR Nerdy, in which slpc asked us to choose between Cupcakes and Brownies. AlysiaNichole: In my opinion, blondies are simply fat cookies cut into squares or rectangles. They shall be renamed “sqookies,” short for square cookies. SPECIAL SUNDAY EDITION re: The Betty Experience: Showing Betty New Things, in which ETC lived blogged about preparing herself for the delivery room experience. Tara: My husband audio-recorded the delivery (without anyone knowing) on his iphone — so no visuals, but it was cool to hear some of it (weird as it was)! PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY We had the MOST VISITORS EVER to FaN on Monday (!), which made it difficult to choose just one nerd for that day… so here’s five. re: The Betty Experience: Still Sleeping on my Side, in which BabySmiling: After watching many episodes of I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant on TLC, the 9 cm lady is fine in my book as long as she knew she was pregnant in advance. Maybe she got stuck in the snow? No, that’s not it. Maybe traffic? There are people whose labors go from 0-60 very quickly, so it’s possible she’s not as bad as you think. But if she’s a good outlet for your labor aggression, go for it. Maybe Betty will beat up her kid for you in the nursery. (More Nerds After the Jump…) re: The Betty Experience: the Oxygen Mask, in which Ernessa seriously reconsidered her nurse’s qualifications after the nurse mistook Juice Newton for Abba. Tamlyn Wright: I was just reading yesterday that kissing and laughter all through contractions lets...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on The Block June 12-18
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Oh, man, I’m leaving you in the more than capable hands of slpc next week, but I’m like already missing you guys super big time. But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about all these awesome comments. HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: June 12-14, in which Ryan Dixon puts forth the theory that you can predict how whether an Eddie Murphy movie will flop by looking at the movie poster — basically if it doesn’t feature children, animals, or a morbidly obese person along with red font, it will flop . He predicted that Imagine That would flop, according to his poster code theory, and lo and behold it only netted 5.2 million dollars its opening weekend. If Eddie ever gets work again, hopefully the marketing people will listen to Ryan this time. KaseyB: The Murphy Code…wow! I never noticed. Of course my disdain for children, grotesquely fat people, and red fonts have been keeping me away from Murphy films for years. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Fierce in Seattle: Indoorsy goes Outdoorsy, in which Kelli Bielema applies her black thumb to her back yard garden. Josh G: Use ladybugs for pest control, they eat many types of bugs, mostly aphids. Also if you have bug problems plant some marigolds and the bugs will eat them instead of everything else. We planted our first garden this year also and these seemed to help. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Are Hate Crimes a Form of Domestic Terrorism?, in which Monique King-Viehland argues that the answer to that question is yes. Yolanda: Yeah, they may have just developed the term “hate crimes” in the last few years but a lynching in 1960 was still a crime of hate. I haven’t looked at the statistics but I’m...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block: May 29-June 4
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Chinese English-speakers! North Korea! Pregnant Fish! And that’s just the stuff that didn’t make our “best of” comments. What a crazy week… HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce OR Nerdy, in which slpc asked us to choose between movie soldiers and movie dinosaurs. (Thought) Chuck: G.I. JOE – four words: “Channing Tatum in leather.” Umm, hello people, the choice of soldiers is now obvious! PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Fierce in Seattle: Dog Days, in which Kelli Bielema exposes the sad reality of puppy mills. Basically, if you love dogs, don’t buy them from a pet store and support your local humane society. They’re doing amazing work. Justin_Time: It’s no wonder that so many of the dogs that people buy at pet stores have bad temperaments after growing up in these kinds of conditions. I hope all these dogs find happy homes. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: If You Ask Me: BBQ Etiquette, in which Travis Randall declares that no matter how bad the host is messing up your barbecue, you should never, ever touch his or her grill. BabySmiling: Once I was at a birthday party BBQ where a bunch of guys (they were all physicians, actually) argued for 20 minutes about the best way to get the coals lit. One guy’s stance was “More lighter fluid! More! More!” He grabbed the bottle and kept spraying, so he won the debate through sheer force. My mushrooms tasted like they’d been marinated in lighter fluid. Everything was gross — and toxic. The only people who could really eat were the vegans who’d brought their own corn wrapped in foil to keep it safe from meat residue (and by extension, lighter fluid). We all ended up eating a lot of birthday cake to make up for our lack of BBQ...
Hello, Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block May 22 – May 28
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
TGIF. I don’t know about you, but this week has been super-exhausting. Lots of work, lots of worry, and lots of sadness about the court’s decision not to overturn Prop 8. But at least we had great comments to keep us warm at night. HELLO FRIDAY Photo by Ariel Boston re: Fierce Antipation: May 22-24 (Robot Edition), in which Ryan Dixon says that he’s looking forward to a (near) future shared with sentient robots. KyleB: I think that you are underestimating the potential and complexities of the human body and the human mind. Why do you and so many others think that we can create in 5000(giving the benefit of the doubt) years of improvement what nature made in millions of years of improvement? Our mind keeps track of an almost infinite amount of cells/neurons/movements/actions/thoughts in an incredibly complex mechanism that we barely understand. My body can actually defend and recover and replace many vital parts without my conscious work. And when i take medication to supplement what my body does, there are lists of problems that it causes at the same time. My computer breaks down and needs serious and expensive repairs in a 3-5 year window. I keep my information spread out across many computers in case I lose it to a bad hard drive or something brakes down. Do you believe that in only 41 years robots will be able to do all of that? Don’t get me wrong, I want to have a house robot to help me clean, garden, cook, and serve guests intelligently and smoothly. But I expect that I will have to have a repair man over to fix it, and I expect that I have it sell itself on craigslist and order a replacement every 3-5 years....
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds On The Block (May 8-15)
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Whatta week, whatta week! Spock, Rats, Responsible Procreation — you know, there’s an app for that… HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce OR Nerdy, in which slpc asked you to choose between Fierce (Wolverine) or Nerdy (Spock). cybele: I’m not sure how I feel about sci-fi movies/tv’s belief that all members of a species must have the same haircut (and clothes) all the time. Vulcans live for something like 200 years … do they all always have that shiny bowl/bangs cut? PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Rat-A-Cutie, in which I posted one pic of a sleeping rat that was actually cute and two that were supposed to be cute but completely skeeved me out. WonderfullyAwflRobin: I had a pet rat, too, and she was an adorable and sweet little thing. When you live in an apartment that isn’t dog or cat-friendly, rats can be a good alternative if you want to have a pet. The problem is that they live long enough for you to grow attached, but don’t live much longer than that. But yeah, if I found a rat in my kitchen drinking Dr. Pepper, I would most certainly freak out. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re, Political Physics: To Birth or Not Birth, in which Monique King-Viehland asked whether it was fiscally or socially responsible to bring children into the world right now. AmyQOTWF: As a woman who is choosing not to procreate, those types of thoughts have about 2% bearing on my decision. They are so negative and just stinkin’ thinkin’. I totally agree with Ernessa, awesome people should bring more awesome babies into the world! Sure there is a lot of madness with this whole global warming dealie, wars, repressions, etc… but hey, we don’t know what the world is going to be like in...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block April 23-30
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey guys! Make sure to stop in next week when one, possibly two HUGE announcements will be made re: your dedicated FaN editor. Oh, and if you haven’t weighed in on which photo I should get made into Michel Gondry sketch, please do so here, as I’m going by your results and sending in the photo this weekend. Til then we had a doozy of a week in comments. Let’s revisit some of our faves: HELLO FRIDAY re: Wagner vs. Coachella, in which Evil E and Kasey Bomber brave a 5-hour Die Walkure and the Coachella festival respectively. So many good comments on this post, but this one actually made me want to sit through a 15-hour Ring Cycle. Howard L: If you’ve never seen the whole RING [in] one go, I highly recommend it. Take the week off. Do it. Immerse yourself. You will never regret it. In my 20’s i was lucky enough to work on a production of it at Seattle Opera, so saw it 7 times in one summer. It remains one of the great experiences of my life. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Crazy Cat Ladies Are Good Marriage Material, in which we put forth the theory that having a cat might not render single ladies undateable, based on a study which found that the cat-friendliest cities in America all had more single men than single women. kim: ok I am not a social scientist but this study disproves nothing other than there are more single men than single in cat friendly cities. it didn’t measure WHO owns the cats. and as someone who lives near San Francisco I think I can safely say although there may be more single men than women, that doesn’t mean that the single men are...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block – April 9 – April 16...
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
I think this week’s FNotB comments can best be described as gross, metaphorical, hypothetical helpful and informative. HELLO FRIDAY re: Procrastinate on This!, in which we directed you to a post about two sisters not only eating placenta, but converting into a panini placenta sandwich and a pasta sauce. Seriously, skip to “Philosophical Monday” if you don’t want to be completely grossed out. And definitely don’t read this while eating. slpc: i was *almost* convinced by the author of the placenta article (and the sisters who cooked and ate the placenta). i thought, maybe it’s a cool and healthy tradition, a once in a lifetime opportunity kinda-thing, and maybe not as disgusting as it first seems… until i read this part: “The ‘recipe’ was pretty simple, but preparation was very fun! First, I washed off any clots and snipped/tore away the membrane. Websites suggested this, and I imagine it’s because it’d be chewy. The umbilical cord required a pair of scissors to cut through and I had to marvel at how incredible tough that piece was!” haha. nope. not doing that. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Single White Nerd: The Harshest Mistress, in which Michael Kass rekindles his love affair with theater, even though their relationship ended really badly the first time around. stubbie: Oh, sure, she’s lovely now. Alluring. Willing to overlook things – like you never put your dishes in the dishwasher, or you leave little dark hairs all over the bathroom, that you always read the paper first and leave it totally disorganized. None of that matters now. But let me tell you, as a guy who’s been there, it all goes to hell. 15 years into a loveless marriage, it’s all we can do to grunt at each other and resist the...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block April 3 – 10
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Wow, what a great week in comments! Sandwich-stealing thespians, awful couple pet names, and I suspect that one of our writers is actually in league with Tyson Anytizers. Investigation pending… HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: April 3-5, in which Ryan Dixon extolled the many virtues of the Rock of the Ages: The Musical, and told a rather sad-but-inspirational story about one of its stars, Mitch Jarvis, stealing a sandwich back when he was literally living the life of a starving artist. A couple of readers were upset for the charming and talented Mitch and offered their alms, should he fall on hard times in the future. Art, is after all, a religion. radish: [Tell] Mitch, i can make him a sandwich (and cookies) anytime, so he won’t starve. ;-) Emily_29: Tell MItch if he is ever at the “sandwich stealing” point in his life again he can come to the desert and live in the guest house…I hear they shoot movies out here sometimes… PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Do You Have A Snoogle Pop?, in which we discussed the study that says that couple’s who call each other by silly pet names have a stronger bond. Apparently, a few of our readers are in some really strong relationships. Really? Fushnickins? Thackery Binx? BabySmiling: We nicknames so much that it weirds us out if we hear the other one call us by name — which only happens when we refer to each other in front of people. Amy from “Tall Drink of Nerd”: We call each other baby and honey and other stuff (Fushnickins, etc…) Zack from “Tall Glass of Shame”: ugh, I hate to admit this but I am guilty… me: Thackery Binx him: Cupcake oy vey…. OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Political Physics: Can the...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block – March 27-April 3
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Unemployment benefits, lipstick for little girls, and an April Fools Day PSA — it’s been quite a week here at Fierce and Nerdy. HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation: March 27-29, in which Ryan Dixon hailed Duplicity as a great film that you all ought to see. Apparently, laura t didn’t agree with him: laura t: ryan my love, EVERY SINGLE PERSON i’ve spoken to re: duplicity, including my director boss, disliked-to-loathed the movie. sometimes i worry about you. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: My Little Flossy, in which we featured these super-cute embroidery floss ponies by our own Missy Kulik, and I suggested that she should put out a dental floss version. slpc: not only should she mass produce them, but she should make ones of donkeys, cats, dogs, alligators, etc. SO cute. good for embroidery thread, but also if you made them a touch bigger, you could use them for yarn (and use them for gift wrap ribbon, etc). LOVE. Dental floss is a great idea too — but the thing is it wouldn’t be sanitary since the floss is exposed (i know that sounds like me being a hypochondriac) OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: When, Say You, Lipstick?, in which I worried about when to let my soonish-to-be born kid start wearing makeup. So many great answers, but this one actually convinced me to let her wear it sooner than later: JaniceZ: I would play with make-up when I was younger, like playing dress-up, but I never wore it out of the house. When I was in 6th grade I wore SO much make-up. Purple and silver eyeshadow up to my eyebrows (yummy!)…then again is WAS 1986. After that, I got it out of my system and I wore tasteful make-up from then on. I...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block March 20-26
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Man, it was hard to choose the best comments this week. Between America’s Best BBQ, Taylor Hicks’ Grease performance, and one of our bloggers going transcontinental, there were just so many. But here goes: HELLO FRIDAY re: Procrastinate on This! Bye-Bye BSG, Hello Mermen!, in which I get oddly excited over a green-lit Splash retake, called Mermen. slpc: i can’t wait for merman, because i too like shiny fishtails on beautiful people. PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Fierce in Seattle: Possiblitarian, in which Kelli Bielema profiles Kelly Rae Roberts, a former social worker, who decided to become an artist and ended up making a fantastic go of it. Considering how many hits this article has gotten, I think we all needed the friendly reminder to follow our passions no matter how old we are or entrenched in our careers. Meredith: This is a great reminder to me of how the happiest times in my life have always been when I am following my passion. Thanks! OH, IT’S TUESDAY re: Oh, It’s Tuesday: What’s in a Name if You Don’t Change It?, in which I reflect upon the joys and tribulations of not changing my name when I get married. We heard from women who changed their names, women who didn’t and one woman who is just dying to let go of her surname: Kelli from “Fierce in Seattle”: my last name is soooo busted (although common in my hometown) & usually gets mistaken for BULIMIA, so yeah, i will be changing mine when the time comes. even if i’m 60 when it happens. re: If You Ask Me: America’s Best BBQ. Period, in which BBQ expert Travis Randall weighs the tastiness of regional barbecues and decides that America’s best BBQ is from the South. A straight...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block (March 13-19)
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
This week we found out that FaN commentators are in hate with three things: mixed messages, AIG, and Baby Bangs. HELLO FRIDAY re: Fierce Anticipation, in which Ryan Dixon says that the Pittsburgh Pirates suck and basically backs it up with their record, which is so bad, they are literally about to officially be the worst American sports team in the history of ever. JerseyJoe: No longer do I desire to watch a team that I know is simply, and flat out, going to lose. On the plus side, a trip to PNC Park is still one of the best deals in baseball. Tickets are cheap and the food isn’t too expensive. Take the Yankees for example. I have been and always will be a huge Yankee fan, but you simply cannot go to a game without burning $100 minimum. Your ticket, food, and a beverage. Who is not going to get a beverage, when the temperatures are soaring above the 90s in the summer? For the Pirates, walk in with two twenty dollar bills and you’re going home with change to spare… PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY re: Single White Nerd, in which the only action Michael Kass gets is some serious mixed messages and a thorough put-down after it is discovered by his potential liaison partner that he owns not only tiki lights, but also a blue leather couch. sadclown487: Dude, she’s not worth it. A girl who doesn’t know how to say what she wants is a girl who will waste all your time fucking with your head (and only your head, alas). stubbie: I can’t believe you people! Engaging in this petty bickering about pursuer vs. prey and letting Mike sit there with the big elephant in the room, alone and lonely, unable...
Hello Friday: Milan Stitt and The Fiercest Nerds On The Block
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
My two favorite moments with Milan Stitt, the head of the CMU Dramatic Writing Program: Milan: Is you’re favorite color orange? Me: Yes. Milan: That’s what I thought. A woman’s favorite color is always what looks best on her. Mine is blue. Then he winked. Milan winked a lot. I would wink a lot, too, if I was as good at it as he was. He always looked like your kindly grandfather when he did it. I look like I have a medical condition. AND my other favorite moment: Milan: You’re late. You now have a B in this class, and if you’re late again you get a C, and if you’re late again you fail. The second conversation happened two days after 9-11. And I was never late to class again. I consider that the day I started learning discipline. Milan basically kicked my ass into becoming a good writer. He had moments of ego-crushing flip-of-a-switch meanness. He used to be a priest. And maybe his mother literally dropped dead when he came out to her — we were never quite sure if that story was true. He chewed Nicorette gum in class to get through to his next cigarette. He rarely, rarely acknowledged his mistakes, and I don’t have a clear memory of him ever saying “I’m sorry.” He was completely ridiculous. He was one of the wisest people I’ve ever known. He loved Spain. I think he might have loved us, his students, but found us rather tiresome. Being an editor now, I could see how teaching undeveloped writers could get old after awhile. There are only 5 to 10 real problems in writing. And only two of them or insurmountable: tin ear and inability to take and apply criticism. Milan...
Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
Hey Guys! Thanks so much for your awesome responses to my Raising series. As you’ve probably sussed out by now, I kind of excel at worrying, but here’s the good news: when I’m feeling uncertain about raising biracial kids, intelligent girl(s) and confident chidren, I can always come back and revisit your comments for reassurance and advice. If you’re also pondering these three issues, I could not recommend going through the comments on these posts more. That all said, let’s revisit some of the other best comments from the week after the jump: PHILOSOPHICAL MONDAY From Single White Nerd: The Imaginary Girlfriend Has a Biological Timeclock, in which Michael Kass gets into a fight about children with his imaginary girlfriend. You kind of have to read it to understand. Delia from “Chic Geek”: This sounded SO much like the literary version of a conversation I’ve had with my boyfriend that I actually thought for a second, “WAIT…is Michael Kass a pseudonym?!” Seriously. I got sad and paranoid reading this. It’s wonderful. OH, IT’S TUESDAY From the Thought Chuck in which Charles Cron informed us that 72% of Americans sign their pet’s name to their greeting cards. Sallie: We sign our cats’ names, but only ironically, and only when writing to people who know us well enough to know it isn’t really irony… WOW! IT’S WEDNESDAY! From an article about the 10 Strangest Shoes in Fashion, which include a pair of slippers designed to look like rats (pictured above). Zack from “Tall Glass of Shame”: ok, is it sad that I really want the rat slippers in my shoe size, but would be terrified to actually see the rat that would be big enough to house my size 13 feet? DEAR THURSDAY From...
Hello Friday: The End of the Second Trimester Honeymoon
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So, I guess I should have been suspicious of the high-energy Tuesday morning that I had upon my return from St. Louis. I bounced to my car and then I had lunch with my husband, and then the fatigue hit. I came home, did a bunch of work, wrote, but by 10 o’clock, I was seriously dragging and I barely got Fierce and Nerdy too bed. Then the next day I went to work at 10am. By 3pm, my back and sides were hurting. I popped two Tylenol and asked the writer when the final version of the script would be ready. On my way home, I wanted nothing more than to take a nap. Then my boss called to talk over a couple of important work issues. Another hour of conversation. At 5pm, I finally settled in for a nap, but then my friend and former Smithie roommate, Madeline, called. She’d just finished a photo shoot for her company downtown and traffic was terrible. Was I doing anything? Was it okay if she stopped by? I looked at the time. I still wanted a nap and I also needed to do my daily write, but I had very low-energy and since Madeline lives about an hour and a half a way, I rarely get to see her. “I’m not doing anything,” I said, “Just lying here.” Madeline was dressed in a suit. She’s has an MBA and I guess I had realized in the back of my mind that she must wear suits for her marketing job, but I had never seen her in one. I looked down at my own maternity jeans, grey-shirt and second-hand maternity tank top and suddenly I felt very frumpy. Madeline wanted to walk, which I felt was...
Hello Friday: Your Celebrity Doppelganger
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
So the weirdest thing has happened. Not one, but BOTH of the celebrities I kind of look alike are in a commercial together. Apparently, Target has decided to go a little deeper and charitable for Black History Month. They cast both India.Arie, who I often got compared to back when I had dreads and Thelma Golden, a renowned art world figure and fellow Smith-alum who I literally was mistaken for by a couple of other black people — including my future best friend — when she visited Smith back when I had a short natural exactly like hers. Also, my father called into the room to see this “lil’ art woman that looks exactly like you, Ness” when she was on Charlie Rose. But what are the chances of BOTH of your celebrity doppelgangers showing up in the same commercial. Crazy, right??? That got me to thinking about you guys. Do any of you guys have celebrity doppelgangers? And if so, have you ever met...
Hello Friday: An Open Fan
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
This is a cross-post for Nate Barlow’s sports blog, Deep Into Sports So a friend of mine who attended USC and her fiancé, who attended UPenn got into a bit of an argument the other day. While he enjoys attending USC football games with her, he refuses to wear any USC gear or wave any USC props, because he feels that would be a deep portrayal to his most favored team, UPenn. He wouldn’t be moved on this matter, even when she offered to wear UPenn swag if they ever went to a game at his alma mater. In fact, he chastised her for making the offer. And he wasn’t joking. Now I’m the kind of chyck that loves team gear. In fact, if I have no personal connection to the team and I’m going to the game, the gear is the only thing that keeps me happy and involved. I love dressing the part of a fan. In fact, while in London in my mid-twenties, I almost agreed to go to a soccer game in the freezing cold on New Years Day, just so I could get one of those clever scarves. Alas, I was too hungover to get out of bed that morning (note to travelers, if ever offered wine, champagne and hashish at a NYE dinner party, don’t make plans for the next morning). But I would’ve gone otherwise, even though I had never heard of the two teams that were playing. The scarves were that cute. And part of the reason that I can’t get into The Lakers, though they’re reputedly a good team is that I don’t like their colors. Purple and Gold? Really? I don’t think that jersey would look cute on me. I know what a lot...
Hello Friday: I Hate the Rain
posted by Ernessa T. Carter
There’s a certain contingent of Southern Californians that seem to get almost orgasmic when it rains. “I love the rain!” they insist. Or “Ooh, we really needed this rain. I’m so glad it’s here.” I, however, am not with that crowd. I hate rain, even more than I hate snow — and I really, really don’t like snow. Rain is wet and inconvenient and depressing, depressing, depressing — which admittedly was great when I was in grad school in Pittsburgh. It seemed to rain all the time in that gray city, and it felt like I was constantly stuck in inside with my super-heavy race play, religion-baiting one-act, or one of two loss-of-innocence screenplays. Which was bad for my psyche, but great for my grades. I got a therapist my second year of grad school and thankfully made it out of there (somewhat) mentally intact. It should also be noted that I wrote my super-angsty play L.A. play Grown-Ups on the Playground during one of the rainiest winters on record in Southern California. It was either that or throw myself off the roof of the building at my ridiculously unrewarding and mind-numbing day job. However, I don’t write plays anymore, and right now I’m working on a rather undepressing action/adventure novel, so all of this rain is definitely getting in my way. I just hate the sound of it. I imagine it pummeling our new (to us) car and flooding our stand-alone garage and soaking my Converse through when I inevitably have to walk in it. Plus, I woke up at 2am, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. It’s 5am now as I write this. Stoopid rain… . photo credit: Marcel...