Daleks, McRib Lovers, and Both Tegan and Sara Prefer to Procrastinate on This

1. The trailer for the erotic Lithuanian film, VANISHING WAVES is both NSFW and mind blowing. I haven’t gone to see a film just to look it at for quite a while, but this strange little story just might qualify for the honor. [i09]

2. Why is there a Fifty Shades magazine? Apparently it’s selling like hotcakes. [Literary Marie]

Be still my beating heart. Are these handmade Dr. Who purses??? Yes, yes they are. Click on the pic to get one of your own for $190 on Etsy. via The Mary Sue

3. But in better literary news, here’s a list of 40 children’s book which feature diverse characters. [Honeysmoke]

4. And here’s a super simple braid out recipe for parents who don’t have a lot of time to fuss with their kids hair. [CurlyNikki]

5. FARGO is being turned into a television series. Yes! I’d totally watch that. How about you? [Gawker]

6. Help one of my favorite book bloggers, Reads4Pleasure complete her “Books: Passports to the World” list. She’ll soon be putting on a reading challenge to read one book set in at least 52 different countries in 2013, but she needs some help coming up with the list of books. Globetrotting through books ain’t easy! [Reads4Pleasure]

7. Sad news for McRib lovers. The boneless wonder sandwich not only skipped summer but also won’t be back until Christmas. Thanks to Ryan Dixon for letting us know the sad news. [The Salt]

8. Just when I think I can’t love Tegan & Sara anymore than I already do, they release this beyond awesome video for their latest single, “Closer.”