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Dear Thursday: Oh Merry Beaver and Other Updates
We’ve finished recording the music for the musical episode of Oh Merry Beaver!, and now all we have to do is absolutely everything else. Yea!
As of this Friday, it’s all Oh Merry Beaver! all the time until I head out for Belgium.
In other updates, the copy edits are not going well. Between morning sickness, OMB!, doctor appointments, and Fierce and Nerdy, I pretty much have negative time to do anything else. For the first time in my life, it’s dawning on me that I just might not be able to do it all anymore and that I might have to start priortizing.
That’s no fun. I feel like such a frickin’ grown-up right now. But I supposed that part of pursuing motherhood is being in complete denial that it will change your life in any way, shape or form; then slowly accepting that it is changing your life as you get further and further along in the process. Alas.
But here’s the good news, we have a super-duper-awesome day of blogs for you. Also, CH, got me a pill cutter, so it doesn’t look like I’m going to choke to death after all. Hooray!