
a blogumn by Ryan Dixon


You Watching the Hell House: The Awakening trailer!

On September 8th HELL HOUSE: THE AWAKENING, a graphic novel I co-wrote with Chad Feehan, will be unleashed upon unsuspecting readers all across America. While I won’t reveal the dark, twisted and ultimately tragic true story that inspired the book until the next new Fierce Anticipation on September 10th, right now I am proud to present the official unveiling of our trailer.

P.S. If you enjoyed the trailer, go ahead and give yourself a treat. Pre-order the book now!

P.P.S. Did you Pre-order the book yet? No? Come on, it’s only $9.95. (To quote Mad Magazine: $9.95 — Cheap!)

P.P.P.S. I’m not moving on to the next subject until you Pre-order it. Please? It’s the perfect price to get you over that $25.00 “Free Shipping” hump on Amazon.

P.P.P.P.S. You finally Pre-ordered the book? Great. Thank you! Now, on with the show…


A Real Hell House

You’ve just watched the trailer and Pre-ordered your copy of the book, yet probably most of you are still wondering, “What the hell is a Hell House?”

Instead of spending 2000 words or so of your time explaining what it is, why don’t I just show you? (I’m catching trailer fever here today at Fierce Anticipation.)

The following is a video tour (created by the YouTube group Curious Travelers) of a Hell House that was held in Brooklyn. While this 2006 production was produced by the hip, hot and ironic New York theatre company Les Freres Corbusier, the original Hell House script, written by Pastor Kenan Roberts, was used without much adaptation.

What you are about to see is by no means an exaggeration of what audiences would experience in any number of cities and towns across the country, from Branson to Colorado Springs to the Dallas of our graphic novel’s setting:



The Creation (the musical, not the real thing)

Since we’re riding on a bit of a religious theme today, I wanted to let you know that aside from the Amish, Dutch Wonderland, and my cousins, there is actually one other reason to visit Lancaster, Pa. It’s called the Sight and Sound Theatre.

Much like a Hell House, this is yet another case where mere words simply cannot give due justice to reality:

Wait a second… Animatronic animals, a 300-ft stage and an obviously closeted Adam (no wonder he and Eve didn’t get along)? Who am I kidding about not going? Count me in!

In case you somehow missed it, Ryan Dixon is the co-author of the graphic novel Hell House: The Awakening. He can also be followed legally on Twitter and illegally in and around his Burbank, CA apartment.