
a substitute blogumn by Michael Gutenplan

Hi Boys and Girls. Ryan, from what I understand is somewhere in the mid Pacific trying to do what that young teenage girl couldn’t do… sail around the world… we’re all rooting for you Ryan!


My Show!

Have you ever thought about doing something and actually done it.  I’m not talking about going to Vegas for a weekend or a random weeknight trip to a bar, no, I’m talking about wanting to do something for real and actually doing it.  A few years ago I wanted to be a professional magician, so I changed my life and actually became a professional magician.  It was really hard but totally worth it.  Every day I was doing something that I dreamt of and I was happy. I even accomplished my goal of having my own Off-Broadway show complete with an awesome New York Times review! Then I moved to Los Angeles to join the ranks of assistants and became one of the thousands of young members of the new Hollywood.  Now, while still being a member of the throngs of Hollywood assistants I have taken it upon myself to produce my own magic show! A few months ago I was unemployed and loving it!  I drove my motorcycle up the coast of California (stopping of course at the Artichoke festival), watched movies mid-day and started running again- but my life seemed to be missing something… purpose!  So without the prospect of a daily job to go to, I created on for myself… A magic show!


The process and the stress!

Putting together your own show is tough.  You need to book a venue, create a script, get an audience and hope… yes, hope that people show up.  I am not looking forward to any of this. Don’t get me wrong — I LOVE performing magic. To see the excitement, the joy it brings to people makes me happy. But the process up to the actual performance is really tough … really, really tough.  I don’t want to worry if people will come. I don’t want to deal with press and booking the room and writing and practicing the script. I just want to do the show and get paid, but it’s never that easy.

I always get crazy before a show.  People don’t buy tickets in advance and every time I assume I’m going to loose my shirt on this production. But the process, the fact that I am accomplishing my goals keeps me going.  Going back to my original question… have you ever done something you dreamt of? If you answered no, then why not?  Is it too hard? Do you not have the time?  I HATE the work that goes into these magic shows. It’s a lot of work and now that I am working full time again, it’s even more work. But I love it because in the end, I have accomplished something I put my mind to. So stop what you’re doing and do that think you’ve always wanted to!


Enough about the magic show.  Do you have a list of things you want to do before you die?  I do!  And I am so excited that I can now cross off another item.  This past weekend I appeared on a game show!  CATCH 21 is a game show on the Game Show Network (GSN) where contestants have the chance to win up to $25,000!   I am not allowed to disclose how I did, but I can tell you that the entire process was awesome.  From the audition to the filming, I kept thinking… “I’m really living one of my dreams!”  I loved the excitement of the set — the audience cheering me on, the chance to win big money –it was awesome. I was amazed how fast everything went.  It felt like a blur. As I answered questions I couldn’t help but think — this is freaking awesome!  I’m not sure when the show will air but you can be sure everyone will know about it.

So in the end… come see my magic show in Washington, DC.  It’s called the Spy Magic Show and it’s all about the secrets of the CIA exposed through magic!  Also, stop what you’re doing and think about something you’ve always wanted to do and do it… because before you know it it will be too late.  Trust me… do it — NOW!

I hope Ryan’s sailing expedition goes well.