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Fierce in Seattle: Turn and Face the Strain … Changes


a blogumn by Kelli Bielema


Yeah, I’m not starting any major revolutions when I proclaim “change is good.” It’s not one lick original, but if nothing else it’s a statement that stands the test of time.  And our times are certainly being tested right now.  A handful of co-workers who have become friends to me in my two years at my job here in Seattle were recently terminated. Oh, sorry, “let go.” Crap, sorry again, “realigned.”  As if adopting the corporate vernacular softens the blow. I don’t know how to change anything with this economic clusterfuck , but I know how I am going to react to it.  I have decided to deflect the downtrodden potential with adjusting my mind, body and spirit.



I inaugurated this trifecta of change by first turning off the news – that includes crap like The Insider and Entertainment Tonight (look, it was my news in L.A.).  I really don’t want to hear about Octo-Mom in addition to the local Seattle reports about layoffs at Boeing, Microsoft, and shootings outside clubs in the Capitol Hill area.  It’s all overwhelmingly awful, so I just avoid it. I’d rather be ill-informed, a sort of ignorance-is-bliss approach. But on the regular ignorance front, I’m certain to get my fill of it by watching “Rock of Love Bus.”  I need to supplant those viewing hours somehow, right?

I’m also – gulp- reading more than I have in years. Books and not just Entertainment Weekly!  Writing this blog also helps jar the noodle.  When my brain is active and focused, it informs the rest of my physiological attitude and suddenly I actually want to do things like exercise.

... And After

... And After

The next change is a physical one.  I started running Greenlake park in the last couple of months.  To my surprise, I can jog the entire lap (a smidge under 3 miles) in under 30 minutes.

I so totally inspired myself that I signed up for an outdoor booty camp that begins at 5:50 in the morning, 4 days a week.  I’m losing pounds and inches all while eating more (a lot more) than carrot sticks and tic-tacs.  I’m surprisingly not achy and sore, but feel stronger, taller, fiercer, and sometimes wetter considering it’s a rain or shine activity.  Oh, those days are blissful. Moist socks…eesh.

Other appearance changes include returning to a (somewhat) natural brunette after nearly 2 years of platinum blonde locks.  When I first began bleaching, I didn’t realize how exhausting a process it would be not only for my hair but for my schedule. The change meant no longer rushing to my stylist to avoid looking like a skunk.

When you’re physically active, it only enhances your emotional and spiritual life. I’ve decided the best change to make is my attitude about what’s around me – the people, the places, the things and how we really are all one. I am more in tune with my thoughts, focused on making positive, honest decisions about everything in my day-to-day.

I do my best at my 9 to 5 job, am certain to spend lots of quality time with friends and family and continue to actively volunteer and find time to be creative in some capacity.  And, the sprinkles and frosting on the cake of all these changes is the fella I’ve been seeing for the last few months. I don’t ever recall change being so exciting, so fulfilling.  There’s really nothing I would change about this cake. Okay, maybe one more layer…