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File This Under: Sad Santas
I’ve never been a huge fan of Santa and it’s been an ongoing argument between CH and me as to whether we’ll even pretend that there’s a Santa for our kids. I’m not comfortable with them believing that some random guy comes by the house to reward them with material goods for being decent human beings. But I’m also not comfortable with the idea of them being that one mean kid that tells all the more innocent kids that there is no Santa and that they’re babies for even thinking so. Anyway, we’ll see.
But this year, it doesn’t look like parents will have to stand in long lines with their kids at the mall, b/c a lot of stores are cutting back on their Santa coverage. According to Gawker via The New York post, Seasonal Santas are getting hit super hard by the recession. Here’s an especially sad tale about professional Santa Dick Shea:
[Shea] is expecting to earn around $3,000 this year, down from $30,000 two years ago – barely keeping up with cleaning and replacement costs for his $900 costume.
“It diminishes my ‘ho, ho, hos,’ ” he said.
I let the kids believe in Santa until they asked if he was real and then I told them no that it is just something grownups make up to make Christmas extra fun for little kids. This year Hunter told me he knew it was me who put his gifts under the tree and I knew our Santa days were over. I was a little sadder than I had expected. It let me know that none of my kids are little any more. On the bright side I don't have to hide the gifts and stay up late and sneak them under the tree this year.
I let the kids believe in Santa until they asked if he was real and then I told them no that it is just something grownups make up to make Christmas extra fun for little kids. This year Hunter told me he knew it was me who put his gifts under the tree and I knew our Santa days were over. I was a little sadder than I had expected. It let me know that none of my kids are little any more. On the bright side I don't have to hide the gifts and stay up late and sneak them under the tree this year.
I let the kids believe in Santa until they asked if he was real and then I told them no that it is just something grownups make up to make Christmas extra fun for little kids. This year Hunter told me he knew it was me who put his gifts under the tree and I knew our Santa days were over. I was a little sadder than I had expected. It let me know that none of my kids are little any more. On the bright side I don't have to hide the gifts and stay up late and sneak them under the tree this year.
I let the kids believe in Santa until they asked if he was real and then I told them no that it is just something grownups make up to make Christmas extra fun for little kids. This year Hunter told me he knew it was me who put his gifts under the tree and I knew our Santa days were over. I was a little sadder than I had expected. It let me know that none of my kids are little any more. On the bright side I don't have to hide the gifts and stay up late and sneak them under the tree this year.
Bart Simpson ruined Christmas for Generation X – "There's only one fat man around here who leaves us presents, and his name ain't Santa!"
Bart Simpson ruined Christmas for Generation X – "There's only one fat man around here who leaves us presents, and his name ain't Santa!"
Bart Simpson ruined Christmas for Generation X – "There's only one fat man around here who leaves us presents, and his name ain't Santa!"
Bart Simpson ruined Christmas for Generation X – "There's only one fat man around here who leaves us presents, and his name ain't Santa!"
Don't worry Angela you can help us with your niece or nephew
Don't worry Angela you can help us with your niece or nephew
Don't worry Angela you can help us with your niece or nephew
Don't worry Angela you can help us with your niece or nephew
My husband is Jewish, and he has always been horrified that so many parents flat-out lie to their children about Santa, for years and years. I have known several children who were genuinely traumatized when they discovered the truth, and their impression of their parents as trustworthy and truthful was forever shattered.
My husband also thinks that parents are chumps for letting Santa get all the credit for their time, effort, and money spent, and on that point I heartily agree.
There will be no Santa in our house — fictional character maybe, real guy who comes down the chimney and defies the laws of space and time on Christmas Eve, definitely not.
Don't worry: there are plenty of kids from other religions and atheists who can ruin the surprise for your kid's classmates before your kid gets around to it.
My husband is Jewish, and he has always been horrified that so many parents flat-out lie to their children about Santa, for years and years. I have known several children who were genuinely traumatized when they discovered the truth, and their impression of their parents as trustworthy and truthful was forever shattered.
My husband also thinks that parents are chumps for letting Santa get all the credit for their time, effort, and money spent, and on that point I heartily agree.
There will be no Santa in our house — fictional character maybe, real guy who comes down the chimney and defies the laws of space and time on Christmas Eve, definitely not.
Don't worry: there are plenty of kids from other religions and atheists who can ruin the surprise for your kid's classmates before your kid gets around to it.
My husband is Jewish, and he has always been horrified that so many parents flat-out lie to their children about Santa, for years and years. I have known several children who were genuinely traumatized when they discovered the truth, and their impression of their parents as trustworthy and truthful was forever shattered.
My husband also thinks that parents are chumps for letting Santa get all the credit for their time, effort, and money spent, and on that point I heartily agree.
There will be no Santa in our house — fictional character maybe, real guy who comes down the chimney and defies the laws of space and time on Christmas Eve, definitely not.
Don't worry: there are plenty of kids from other religions and atheists who can ruin the surprise for your kid's classmates before your kid gets around to it.
My husband is Jewish, and he has always been horrified that so many parents flat-out lie to their children about Santa, for years and years. I have known several children who were genuinely traumatized when they discovered the truth, and their impression of their parents as trustworthy and truthful was forever shattered.
My husband also thinks that parents are chumps for letting Santa get all the credit for their time, effort, and money spent, and on that point I heartily agree.
There will be no Santa in our house — fictional character maybe, real guy who comes down the chimney and defies the laws of space and time on Christmas Eve, definitely not.
Don't worry: there are plenty of kids from other religions and atheists who can ruin the surprise for your kid's classmates before your kid gets around to it.