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Guess the Random Lyric: You=5; Me=3

Okay, well keldoo from “Fierce in Seattle” guessed correctly that yesterday’s song was from “Up Where We Belong” by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes — actually she said “Warner,” but I’m going to give it to you anyway, b/c I get the feeling that your streak will come to an end today since…

Black Artist Thursday is in the house. I heard this one the other day, and fell in love all over again. I frickin’ love this rap song, even moreso b/c Rick Rubin makes a cameo in its black-and-white video.

If you grew up with holes in ya zapatos
You’d be celebrating the minute you was havin’ dough

Guesss in the comments, and Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes (in an incredibly shiny skirt) ala 1982 after the jump: