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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=1; You=2
Okay, no one guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “Papa, Can You Hear Me” as sung by Barbra Streisand in Yentl, so now I’m looking to tie it up with Black Artist Thursday.
It occurs to me that if you were born after the 90s, you might now know that this actress used to be a singer and before she was a singer, she was went down in the history books as the first African-American to get a certain dubious honor. However, this cheese-tastic song will always be what I associate her with.
sometimes the very thing you’re looking for
is the one thing you can’t see
Guesses in the comments and Barbra proves that she can light a candle and sing at the same time (I cannot claim the same) after the jump:
Vanessa Williams. "You Always Saved The Best For Last." or is it just "The Best For Last"?
Vanessa Williams. "You Always Saved The Best For Last." or is it just "The Best For Last"?