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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=1; You=0
Alrighty, no one guessed that yesterday’s lyric was from “Rose’s Turn” as sung by Patti Lupone in Gypsy. But let’s see who comes out on top today in Random Tuesday of our Women Singer’s Month.
I say if you’re going to be a one hit wonder, be a one-hit wonder with a song that still resonates with women and can be awesomely remixed for a Nike 90s ad. Anywho, I bet you don’t know who sang…
You can bend but never break me
’cause it only serves to make me
More determined to achieve my final goal
And I come back even stronger
Guesses in the comments and everything’s coming up roses for Patti Lupone after the jump:
Sounds like "I Am Woman (Hear Me Roar") sung originally by Helen Reddy–and I'm guessing the Oscar broadcast put you in mind of it, because they played the music at some point, I forget when–Elise pointed it out–clearly when some women were accepting awards or being talked about or something. Kathryn Bigelow winning? Anyway…love that song.
Sounds like "I Am Woman (Hear Me Roar") sung originally by Helen Reddy–and I'm guessing the Oscar broadcast put you in mind of it, because they played the music at some point, I forget when–Elise pointed it out–clearly when some women were accepting awards or being talked about or something. Kathryn Bigelow winning? Anyway…love that song.