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Guess the Random Lyric: Me – 1 1/2; You – 1 1/2
Weeeellll, lookee here. Jennifer from The Internet guessed correctly that yesterday’s song was “The Man with the Golden Gun,” but no one new that it was sung by Lulu, one of the daffiest (in a lovable way) mentors to appear on American Idol. So we split the point. It’s Thursday, and we’re still tied.
But right now let’s welcome your old arch-enemy Black Artist Thursday. I haven’t put forth a rap song in awhile, and I think this is one of the most underrated ones from this artist’s catalog
Like a bandit, caught me redhanded, took her for granted
But when I screwed her, you couldn’t understand it
Guesses in the comment, and James Bond’s golden gun after the jump: