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Guess the Random Lyric: FINAL SCORE: You=3 1/2; Me=1 1/2
Alright, proving that we’ve got a readership of Disney nerds, not only did angela from Texas guess correctly that Friday’s lyric was from “Kiss the Girl” as sung by Sebastian in The Little Mermaid, but DebraB from “Two Cats and a Baby” guessed correctly that last weeks Hidden Theme was DISNEY. That means you get to go into our Scottish and French Week (our last GTRL week of the month due to my upcoming trip to yes, Scotland and France) with a 1/2 point advantage.
Let’s do this!
For those of you who knew me back in my theater reviewer days in Pittsburgh, this was the first musical that I ever gave a bad review. Sadly, it would not be the last — or even the worst. But I quite liked the movie version, and I’ll take the name of the song, plus the male lead for the full point:
Maybe the air gave me the drive,
For I’m all aglow and alive.
Guesses in the comments and Sebastian sets the mood after the jump:
Brigadoon (ew….yuck) song: Almost Like Being in Love and in the movie it was Gene Kelly (God I hate that musical)
Brigadoon (ew….yuck) song: Almost Like Being in Love and in the movie it was Gene Kelly (God I hate that musical)