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Guess the Random Lyric: Me=4; You=1 1/2
Oh my gawd! You didn’t know “Let’s Get it Started” by MC Hammer? I don’t even believe that. But that also means I won the week in a big way, so thankyouveramuch for that.
Anywho, since this week’s theme revolves around Interracial Relationships, all the acts featured involve someone with an interracial relationship in their past or present. So let’s get it started with Classic Monday.
This singer was married three times but never to the blond actress whose studio stepped in (rumor has it they asked the mob to threaten him) to prevent their love affair from escalating to marriage. Extra half point if you guess the actress’ name, too.
Who can take a rainbow, wrap it in a sigh
Soak it in the sun and make a groovy lemon pie
Guesses in the comments, and Hammer gets it started after the jump. I had forgotten how much energy he used to bring to his performances. I felt energized just watching this.
. . . the candyman can. I'm pretty sure the name of the song is the candyman, but not a clue who sings it.
. . . the candyman can. I'm pretty sure the name of the song is the candyman, but not a clue who sings it.