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Guess the Random Lyric: You=5; Me=3

Me: I’m sad

You: Why are you sad, Ernessa?

Me: Because zacki from “Tall Glass of Shame” guessed correctly that yesterday’s lyric was from “REAL LOVE” by Jody Watley and now you’ve already won the week. Sniff. But let’s see if I can squeeze one more point out of this week with 70s or 80s Friday. And yes, I’m aware we haven’t done a theme week for September yet, so we’ll take care of that next week. Let me know if you have any suggestions for themes.

So this English singer used to be the lead singer of a tumultuous band, and I may be one of the few of people who likes his solo work much, much better. Also, I found out the hard way that many English musicheads thinks he’s cheesy while trying to have a serious conversation about his merits with actual English people, one of which who went on to join an indie band. Sorta embarrassing. But I still maintain that he’s brilliant. Anyway who sang…

Then I went off to fight some battle
That I’d invented inside my head

Guesses in the comments and Jody Watley models sings after the jump: