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Guess the Random Lyric: You=2; Me=0
Crap, at the last minute BabySmiling from “Baby Smiling in Back Seat” guessed that yesterday’s lyric was from “These Are the Days” by 10,000 Maniacs, and now you’re ahead by 2. Shall I break out with today’s Soundtrack Wednesday? We shall see!
So often movies inspire songs, but this song actually inspired a whole TV movie series. Who sang…
And when he finished speakin’, he turned back toward the window
Crushed out the cigarette, faded off to sleep
Guesses in the comments and 10,000 Maniacs at Clinton’s Inaugural Ball after the jump:
The Gambler – Kenny Rogers. I love how diverse your musical tastes are.
The Gambler – Kenny Rogers. I love how diverse your musical tastes are.