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Hello Friday: FaN Notes
Big Congrats to today’s T-shirt winner, JaniceZ from “Sew Girly.” She pre-ordered 32 CANDLES, let me know that she did, and now she’s going to be rocking her own 32 CANDLES t-shirt this summer. What!
Other than that, here are my thoughts for the week.

If it were up to me, we'd illustrate every blog post with sock monkies. Click on the pic for Zack's brilliant round-up of wedding disasters.
1. I agree with Josh Pullin that it’s hard to answer the question, “What’s new?” when you’re a parent. On one hand, I assume that you don’t really want to hear about how Betty seems to need to be holding an object in both hands in order to stand up on her own. On the other hand, I also assume you don’t want to hear about my latest novel rewrite ad nauseum. But that’s what’s new, so I just end up saying, “Nothing much…”
2. Justin Time says we should be concerned about our lack of privacy on FaceBook, but I don’t really value my privacy that much and don’t care if FB uses my info to help people sell me things. At this point, I feel that if I want any kind of privacy, I should probably just go ahead and get off the internet. However, if I get put on someone’s no-fly list because one of my friends “Likes” Cat Stevens, then we’ll see how blase I am about privacy then.
3. If you want a chance to win a 32 CANDLES tote bag, answer this week’s Comment Challenge question: “How do you watch TV?”
4. I dated a gamer once, and it didn’t even occur to me to pick up a controller and play with him every so once awhile. Debra is a very good wife.
5. I find it weird when people respond to rejection with angry notes or text messages. I always wonder what they think will possibly be gained.