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Hello Friday: FaN Notes [August 13, 2010]
Hey-oh, unless things go terribly (which let’s face it, they totally could) I plan to debut a rad new dye job the next time I see you in this space. Ah, who am I kidding? Even if things go terribly, I’m still going to show you the results, so either way, definitely come back on Monday. Meanwhile, here are my thoughts about this week’s fan.

Have I mentioned how jealous I am that Amy Robinson got to meet Yuuji Urushihara, Makoto Nagano, Yoshiyuki Okuyama from Ninja Warrior? Anyway, click on the pic for the full story.
1. Like Gudrun, I’ve also been feeling grumpy, isolated and super restless. So I’m changing my hair. Usually I change my entire “look,” but since I’m trying to pare my wardrobe down to 14 things, I’m just going to go w/ my hair this time.
2. I actually might be feeling grumpy b/c I’m on my third week of Weight Watchers. And lemme tell you, Roya’s recipe for poutine, which looks really freakin’ yummy is not helping.
3. I wish I had read Joe Rusin’s post about alternatives to this summer’s dismal movie fare at the beginning of summer. Would have save myself a lot of complaining…
4. Monique’s article about how good CEOs don’t necessarily make good politicians, had me wondering… Exactly what are the characteristics of a good politician?
5. Last but not least. Wow, our new sex ed. column by Dr. Miro got a ton of hits. Thanks for the big welcome, guys! Got a sex-related question for Dr. Miro, but wanna keep it anonymous? Please look to the sidebar and click on the Dr. Miro box, which delivers your questions straight to her, without any middle-manning from me. Or you can just click HERE.
Ernessa, why are you on weight watchers?! The last two times I've seen you, you;ve slimmed down so much and your arms were so buff! Seriously hot momma! I hope the food thing is going well with it, my mom did it before and I know it can be a bitch
Well, Jenny, it's partly a show of solidarity with my family. The entire house is on weight watchers and it's been nice to do it together.
I'm exceedingly happy with the way I look, BUT I want to get down to my wedding weight before we do IVF again just so I can have the healthiest pregnancy possible this time around. So I really feel like I'm getting in the habit of exercising and eating well with Weight Watchers.
Ernessa, why are you on weight watchers?! The last two times I've seen you, you;ve slimmed down so much and your arms were so buff! Seriously hot momma! I hope the food thing is going well with it, my mom did it before and I know it can be a bitch
Well, Jenny, it's partly a show of solidarity with my family. The entire house is on weight watchers and it's been nice to do it together.
I'm exceedingly happy with the way I look, BUT I want to get down to my wedding weight before we do IVF again just so I can have the healthiest pregnancy possible this time around. So I really feel like I'm getting in the habit of exercising and eating well with Weight Watchers.
and what's with the paring down the wardrobe to 14 things? Are you trying to be like Einstein (was it Einstein?) who didn't want to waste mental energy thinking about what to wear every day?
and what's with the paring down the wardrobe to 14 things? Are you trying to be like Einstein (was it Einstein?) who didn't want to waste mental energy thinking about what to wear every day?