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Hello Friday: FaN Notes November 5, 2010

Whatta week! I’m jetlagged, sick (more about that next week), and waaaaay behind. Basically my beloved FaN was the only thing that went right this week. So let’s talk about that, shall we?

1.  Like, my writing exchange partner, Gudrun, I’ve been in a funk all week. Wondering if we’ve developed a weird symbiotic, trans-continental relationship. Anyway, her 10 suggestions for getting over a funk are brilliant! Now if I can only find some time to try them out…

Dude, the only thing I love more than pumpkin pie is Roya's suggestion to just go with the recipe on the can as opposed to killing yourself making a gourmet version. Click on the pic for the full blogumn -- and the recipe!

2. Live in L.A. and looking for a dog? Kelly Lett has a beauty named Trifecta who needs a home.

3. I have no feelings whatsoever for the BCS — quite frankly, I wasn’t even aware it existed before Joe Rusin defended it. But really, when you think about it, the nomination process for just about every big competition — especially in the arts — is grossly unfair and ridiculously subjective.

4. I so far haven’t been treated badly by any of my ex-boyfriends, so I can’t really compare — but man, this chyck’s ex-BF seems exceptionally douchey. So glad Dr. Miro could help out with some advice.

5. I really think Amy should submit her mom’s house for an episode of GHOST HUNTERS. Her IRL haunted house story is just fascinating, and also, really, really creepy.