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Hello Friday: FaN Thoughts [T-32 DAYS]
So as you might have noticed by looking at our current mood pic, there are now only 32 Days left until the official release of 32 CANDLES. I’ve got a butterfly pavillion installation going up in in my stomach and it will probably stay there until the end of summer. But I’m also so excited, I can hardly sleep. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, releasing a book is remarkably having a baby. You both fear and anticipate the due date.
Anywho, let me congratulate Valerie Cheek, the winner of today’s T-shirt. Do you want a T-shirt, too? Just pre-order the book anywhere, let me know that you did, and we’ll get you entered to win. It’s that simple! That all promoted, here are my thoughts for the week.

My favorite pic this week is the one that Amy used to illustrate her shelter volunteer story. Click on the sad kitty for the full post.
1. On Gudrun’s recommendation, I’m listening to Gogol Bordello as we speak. They are indeed awesome. However, I don’t think I would be in good enough shape to participate in a concert, though I recognize that just going to one would be fantastic cardio.
2. I’ve been craving Johnny Cakes all week, thanks to Roya. Might have to go pick up some cornmeal at the grocery store today.
3. But maybe I could go to one of Richard Simmons’ LA based aerobics classes to work the Johnny cakes off…
4. Hey, friendly reminder. If you want to get entered to win a 32 CANDLES tote bag, all you have to do is answer the weekly Wednesday Comment Question. This week’s is, “If you had to wear the same thing for the next six weeks, what would it be?“
5. While I’m picking up super fancy cornmeal for Johnny cakes at Whole Foods, I’m also going to pick up some Calendula, which Elise from “Alternative Medicine Chest” recommends for cuts, scrapes, and sunburn. Two of our nephews are visiting us for a month, and I want to be prepared just in case they get a little too much sun at the beach.