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Hello Friday: Fierce Thoughts [Week in Random Thoughts]
I love that it’s getting warmer, but my sinuses are off-the-chain. It’s ridiculous and annoying to have all the symptoms of being sick: running nose, itchy throat, constant sneezing w/o actually being sick. But at least I have this awesome blog to keep me company.

C'mon, did you really think anything else could possibly be my favorite pic of the week? Click on the pic for my original geekout.
1. I know that this WENCH review isn’t from this week, but I met and hung out with Dolen Perkins-Valdez last night, and now I feel compelled to both re-recommend that wonderful book AND tell you that you’ve got to go to this jazz club, La Lousiane. Very old school club — we were probably the youngest people in the room by a good 20 years, but if this is how the senior citizen crowd rocks, sign me up. It was so much fun, with a great mix of blues, jazz and jazzed-up music like Prince’s “Kiss,” the Eagles’s “Hotel California” and a few others.
2. Does it feel like life is passing me by now that I’m a write-at-home mom? Not at all. But I will admit to having those fears at the beginning of new motherhood. I was very afraid of losing myself to this new role. But now it feels like I’ve actually taken on a better role and that I’m finally living the life I was meant to live. Hopefully, I’ll feel the same way when we retire.
3. I think this was supposed to be an anti-Tivo screed, b/c basically Justin is saying that even w/ all the problems he had w/ Tivo, it’s still a better system than most other DVRs on the market. Either way, I’m sad that neither Verizon Fios or AT&T Universe are offered in my neighborhood. I feel that they should stop running national ad campaigns if they’re not going to let me buy their box. It’s like saying, “Hey, Ernessa, look at what a lovely system everybody else gets — but NO [snatching the box away] you can’t have it!” Grumble, grumble…
4. Palm Springs vs. Santa Barbara? Santa Barbara all the way, baby! And I’d be curious to see who under the age of 50 would recommend Palm Springs instead?
5. I never met Red. But I felt like I knew him through Jeff Rogers’s many poems and posts about him. And I’m so sad that he’s gone.