Hello Friday: Fiercest Nerds on the Block July 17-23

Hey guys! Whatta a week. And of course the comments were wonderful as usual. Check out our best of…


re: Fierce OR Nerdy: Aliens vs. Ghosts, in which slpc asked us to compare the scariness and sexiness of ghosts and aliens.

JessicaH: Not so scared of ghosts – not so believing in aliens (at least not in their having been to earth)… But ghosts I bet can be pretty sexy (i.e., Ghostbusters)…. Maybe. Can I switch my vote to robots?


edward-cullenre: Single White Nerd: Love in the Time of Twilight, in which Michael Kass feels sorry for the boys that have to compete against the Edward Cullen ideal in order to get laid.

(Thought) Chuck: I don’t know about wanting to be a 200-year-old adolescent pretty boy – but to me the whole TWILIGHT thing is all about the boy NOT biting (i.e. kissing or screwing) the girl – which is why straight males are doomed if their girlfriends want guys who emulate the characters portrayed in the movie. Who wants to have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is all about tortured yearning & aching without any kind of relief of all that teen “angst” or “pressure?” Yet perhaps the biggest irony in all of this is that, despite all this so-called “abstinence marketing appeal,” teens (and especially teen girls) are having more & more sex at younger & younger ages. So perhaps there IS hope out there for you underage horndogs!


re: The Short of the Matter, in which I lamented being told I would be tall … and then ending my growth spurt at 5’3.

DebraB: I’ve always wanted to be 5’6″. I’m hoping my daughter makes it there. Based on her father’s height, she at least has a chance. Then, she won’t forever be hemming and cuffing pants like her mom.


Tesla Model S

Tesla Model S

re: Technically Geeking: Carlectric Bugaloo, in which Justin Time lusts after a new gen of electric cars, including this above sexy Tesla. He added this update in the comments.

Justin_Time: I just got an email from Tesla letting me know about the availability of the reservation system for the Model S. It is $5000 down, but you can cancel for a 1% penalty. They seem to also be selling 1000 collectors editions of the S in 2011 that will have finer interiors. They also have video about the car here: http://www.oncars.com/video/494/2011-Tesla-Model-…

Another interesting detail from the email was that the Tesla Roadster is now only available with 75% financing from Bank of America, so you only have to come up with $25,000 up front, with $10,000 down. Still nothing to sneeze at, especially for a 2-seater. Great news if you can afford it – they are delivering them in just 3 months now. I wish I could.


re: Thought Chuck for July 23, in which Charles Cron informs us that 99% of English banks notes had traces of cocaine.

keldoo: I recall reading a similar thing once about US currency – except it was traces of fecal matter. NO. I am NOT making this up, unfortunately…..