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Hello Friday: Highlights from the Road [FaN Notes]
I had what I’m fairly sure is going to be my last on-the-road book event of the summer at Artworks in Trenton last night. What a fantastic night of local art, food, and books (provided by the local independent bookstore, Classics Used & Rare Books). A ton of fun was also had at the NYC party the night before, moreso, because it was just rotten with intelligent Smithies (pics soon).
But enough about me. Let’s talk about our ridiculously awesome week on Fierce and Nerdy.

I love that these Antenna-aids are both super-duper cute and only $4.99 at Etsy. Click on the pic to read CH's article and buy your own.
1. You’ve got two more days to vote whether to keep the Fierce and Nerdy tagline “Puttin’ the chic in your geek” or go with the new one “We’ve got your geek right here.” So far the old tagline is winning. So if you want a new one, you’d bet vote now.
2. I’ve been avoiding renaissance fairs like forever. But as much as I loved the movie Labyrinth, I might have to take Michael Kass’s advice and give The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball a try.
3. I’m sad, b/c I don’t have another present-receiving occasion until Christmas, and Debra Goykhman has convinced me that I really can’t live without a Nespresso machine.
4. Friendly reminder to visit HELLHOUSE co-writer and beloved FaN contributor, Ryan Dixon, at San Diego Comic Con. He’ll be signing copies of his graphic novel, HELLHOUSE on Saturday from 12-2pm at the Viper Comic Book stand.
5. I agree with Justin Time that a sincere apology would have been better than whiny excuses about the iPhone 4’s reception issues. I’m not going to kick my iPhone 4 out of bed, but as a super-fan, I’m starting to wonder if Apple is taking us for granted if they can’t even come up with a decent apology.
6. Dang you, Zack Bunker for making me have to resist the urge to yell, “GWAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!” for like 24 hours now.