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Hello Friday: Random Thoughts and Thursday’s T-Shirt Winner!
Oh, hey lookee here. We’ve got out first male T-Shirt winner in Howard Leder from Los Angeles. Congrats, Howard! Jealous? No need to be. If you want to win your own 32 CANDLES T-shirt, just pre-order my book from any online or offline vendor, let me know (in comments, by Facebook, or email [etc at 32candles dot com]), and you’ll get entered to win!
That all plugged, let’s move on to this week’s FaN. Here are more thoughts:

Did you really think I was going to pick any other picture as my favorite this week? Click on the pic to pre-order 32 CANDLES!
1. I would commiserate with Josh about turning his son around in the baby bjorn, but do you know that Betty basically refused a bjorn until she could be carried around in it facing out? Man, I was grateful when that day came!
2. Wow, Missy only had one day in Hong Kong, but her one day was way more exciting than my three-day trip to Hong Kong in 2000. Next time, I have to make sure to see the cranes “dancing” in the botanical garden.
3. Want a tote bag? Tell us what your bully taught you here. And don’t worry, next week’s topic is going to be WAY lighter, but mayhap equally important.
4. CH and I will both be visiting our inlaws this July, so I found Debra’s tale about her double inlaw trip especially interesting.
5. Else actually made me want to live in a themed house, but I’m fairly sure CH wouldn’t go for it.