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Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block – March 27-April 3
Unemployment benefits, lipstick for little girls, and an April Fools Day PSA — it’s been quite a week here at Fierce and Nerdy.
re: Fierce Anticipation: March 27-29, in which Ryan Dixon hailed Duplicity as a great film that you all ought to see. Apparently, laura t didn’t agree with him:
laura t: ryan my love, EVERY SINGLE PERSON i’ve spoken to re: duplicity, including my director boss, disliked-to-loathed the movie. sometimes i worry about you.
re: My Little Flossy, in which we featured these super-cute embroidery floss ponies by our own Missy Kulik, and I suggested that she should put out a dental floss version.
slpc: not only should she mass produce them, but she should make ones of donkeys, cats, dogs, alligators, etc. SO cute. good for embroidery thread, but also if you made them a touch bigger, you could use them for yarn (and use them for gift wrap ribbon, etc). LOVE. Dental floss is a great idea too — but the thing is it wouldn’t be sanitary since the floss is exposed (i know that sounds like me being a hypochondriac)
re: When, Say You, Lipstick?, in which I worried about when to let my soonish-to-be born kid start wearing makeup. So many great answers, but this one actually convinced me to let her wear it sooner than later:
JaniceZ: I would play with make-up when I was younger, like playing dress-up, but I never wore it out of the house. When I was in 6th grade I wore SO much make-up. Purple and silver eyeshadow up to my eyebrows (yummy!)…then again is WAS 1986. After that, I got it out of my system and I wore tasteful make-up from then on. I would even tell people that my mom had the right idea about letting me get it out of my system early. I think the more taboo you make it, the more she may want it.
re: Happy April Fools Day!, in which we asked for your April Fools Day stories. Zacki gave us a little PSA in the comments
Zack from “Tall Glass of Shame”: Just a quick note… when you know you mom always comes running into the front door after work and heads straight to the bathroom, don’t put saran wrap over the toilet bowl….. you get grounded that way…
re: Musings on the Amusing: Why is the Gov’t Trying to Steal My Identity?, in which Jessica Glassberg compares EDD (unemployment benefits) to a really bad dating experience.
WonderfullyAwflRobin from “Wonderfully Awful”: I hate to be the one to break it to you, but the EDD is just not that into you. And it’s cheating on you…with me and a whole lot of other people, or so I’ve heard through the grapevine. Apparently, the EDD is a big ol’ slut these days.