![Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Sept. 4 – 10]](https://fierceandnerdy.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/ng24.jpg)
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Hello Friday: The Fiercest Nerds on the Block [Sept. 4 – 10]

by Gudrun Cram-Drach
Whatta week! We celebrated our 1-year blogoversary and as it turns out it now takes me more than a week to clean up real good for a big event, like this weekend’s Technical Emmys. But enough about that, let’s get into the best comments of the week:
re: Fierce Anticipation: Sept 5-7, in which Ryan Dixon told us about Jordan’s, magical furniture store with a Yankee-eating green monster at the entrance. At least one reader was offended:
Jersey Joe: I am shocked and dismayed over the Yankee eating green monster. That sir, will assure the world, that I will never set foot in this chain, ever. Thank you for your excellent coverage, so I do not spend any of my hard earned dollars on a Red Sox loving establishment…
re: Political Physics: Is it Socialist to Care About “The Least of These,” in which Monique put forth the question of whether we as a people have a responsibility to take care of “the least of these” in our society. Of course the discourse quickly turned to health care. All of the comments were great, but I’m using this one, b/c it reflects the diversity of opinion that can be found at FaN:
Debra: For the most part, I’ve kept my nose out of this issue with friends because I know very few of them agree with my political beliefs, but why not?
I consider myself both a Christian and a Republican. I care about the less fortunate. I give to charities and donate to my church. I bake for bake sales to benefit people in need. I help with all the various charity drives they have at my office during the year. However, I do not believe in public healthcare. I don’t think you can equate the two. I do not believe that I, the very definition of a middle class American, should be responsible for paying for other people’s medical insurance. It is argued that I already do b/c of the high premiums I do pay, but I’ll still be paying those and more taxes on top of that.
For years I never had insurance. I couldn’t afford it once I was out of college and no longer under my parents’ plan. And yes, I was very lucky that nothing catastrophic happened to me during that time. But I never expected to have insurance. I didn’t feel that I deserved to be given it because I hadn’t worked for it. It was a privilege, not a guaranteed right.
My first job out of grad school I didn’t have a medical plan, but I paid into catastrophic coverage just in case I was to get into a car accident or develop some horrible disease. I was making $9 an hour and living in one of the most expensive cities in the country and I managed that. I currently have a mediocre HMO plan that I chose b/c it was the cheapest option. My husband, you see, wouldn’t have insurance if I didn’t carry him on my plan. I sacrificed quality of care for affordability. But I am completely fine with that. I expect that compromise.
I think the system we have now is broken, but I don’t think a public healthcare option is the only solution. It’s the reluctance to talk and compromise that will draw this out and make any kind of reform take longer than it should.
But I definitely don’t think it’s fair to equate being anti-public healthcare with being anti-Christian. People make that same argument for people who are pro-choice.
re: Dork Lifestyle: Afternoon Naps and Pee Wee Herman, in which Missy Kulik uses her monthly web comic platform to talk about Afternoon Naps (the band) and Pee Wee Herman (the legend).
CH: I always loved Pee Wee and as a fellow Cal-Arts Alum I feel some school pride anytime he gets a mention. Also I hear he is working on a new Pee Wee movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0837156/
re: Secret Life of a Nerd Girl: It’s Time, in which Gudrun wonders if she’s up for the challenge of finding a new animation job in a new country and in a new language.
Jeff: I’m actually here to comment not on your text but on the picture–which, judging by the style, is your art. And it’s really lovely. Keep it up–that’ll get you a great job.