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My Favorite Serial Killer [Remote Control Freak]

imageSet your DVR’s to Showtime on Sunday June 30th kids! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about Dexter.

I’m excited it’s going to be coming back this month (4 months early!) and I’m kind of excited to see it go. It’s had a couple of weird seasons, but if last year is any indicator (it is), then this season is going to be the perfect kind of ending. According to show producers, they’ve been gearing up the thru stories to end with a bang.



I had a friend who saw the first couple of episodes and then quit. It wasn’t a moral conflict over who’s right it is to determine if a person is bad enough to warrant death without due process.

imageDexter’s Code that keeps his killing in check, nor his Dark Passenger as he later began to refer to his innate need to kill was also not the problem. It was that she didn’t like how Harry’s spirit hung around to guide Dexter after his death.

The father that took him in after he was found in a shipping container sitting in a pool of his Mother’s blood. The father that understood his darkness and taught him to harness it for good, rather than for evil. Good being up for debate here – Harry was a police officer and kind of wanted to see some justice when none had prevailed. The father that became his voice of conscience when he had none of his own. That annoyed her and she just couldn’t go on.

Admittedly, there were better times to quit the show. Two seasons ago for example, I was almost out. That was after a rough season 5 with Julia Styles acting as Dexter’s counter-part – the first person he ever shared his secret with. And some other things too, if you believe the rumor mill that he left his co-star wife and onscreen sister for her (loser!).


After John Lithgow’s Trinity Killer it was going to be hard to top anything on this show. But season 6 was the biggest stinker of all. Sorry Colin Hanks, you gave it a shot – but you and Edward James Olmos are just not believable as a psychotic duo. The storyline left a lot to be lacking – namely interest.

I barely made it through that religious horror show. It wasn’t just that storyline that nearly killed it for me though, it was the way they made his sister Deb admit her sexual feelings for her own brother.

Really? Really show?

Once they revealed his real identity to her in that season’s cliffhanger finale though, I was sucked right back in. Soap Opera Drama with a little blood and tears, what’s better than that?

You could tell they were working toward an end game last season in the reveals they made. Dexter’s tether to the world of normalcy he’s tried to create is getting tighter and tighter and we spent the entire seventh season on edge, waiting for the snap.

Season 8 has some heavy strings to tie. Now that Deb is facing her own moral conflict after choosing to kill La Guerta over Dexter (in dun dun dun…a shipping container!) in last season’s most shocker of a cliffhanger, she’s sure to pull away from her brother and face some tough decisions.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she quits the force – she was about to lose it all last season as it was. Will she turn him in? Will they go out in a lover’s suicide pact? Will he shake lose this mortal coil to save his sister’s mental health?

Seriously – poor Deb has not had good luck in love. I don’t know, but if you believe the buzz, this isn’t going to be a Lost/Soprano’s ending. We are promised total satisfaction.