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Oh, It’s Tuesday: A Few Thoughts on Moving…

So, I don’t have a lot of time to talk today, b/c we’re moving. But a few things:

star-trek-john-cho_l1. Yesterday, I saw my second Star Trek remix star at my neighborhood Gelsons. I saw Zoe Saldana there a couple of years ago and yesterday John Cho walked in at the exact same time as me. Mind you I’ve also seen the guy who plays Sheldon on “Big Bang Theory” while walking around the neighborhood. I feel like Silver Lake is trying to say, “Look at all of the nerdy celebrity sightings you’ll be missing out on when you move to decidedly non-nerdy-celebrity-laden Altadena.”

2. The previous resident of the house we’re moving into died. Our landlord is his surviving son. This is the fourth  (maybe the fifth) time that I’ve moved into a place whose last occupant gave it up due to death. And interestingly enough, my Pittsburgh one-bedroom, my first L.A. shared apartment, and the LA studio that I lived in before I met CH are among the my favorite residences of all time — and I’ve moved a ton, so I’ve lived in a lot of places.

My LA studio was the worst death. The guy died of stomach cancer and b/c he had no family or close friends, the apartment manager had to check him into a hospice, where he died alone. You could totally still feel him in the apartment. I wrote both of the my LA premiere plays in that apartment, and since I haven’t written such desperate or bleak material since, I can only assume that he had something to do with it.

When we walked into the Altadena house, I looked around quietly and when CH and I met in the room that we’ve decided will be the nursery, I said, “This is it.” I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do believe in vibes, and this house has good ones. Later, his son told us that his father kept on his housekeeper until the end even though she was rather old (85) and not very able. I love that the previous resident was a nice guy.

3. I’m so overwhelmed and scared about this move that I’m assuming it must be a good thing.

That’s all.