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Oh, It’s Tuesday: I (Surprisingly) Love L.A.
So by the time you read this, I’ll probably be on a plane back to Los Angeles. Yea! I love my family, but I have never been so homesick in my life.
I guess I’m now officially an Angeleno.
I’ve actually been somewhat suspecting this for a while now. I kind of hated Los Angeles for the first couple of years that I lived here. Then I met CH, and I began to think, “Well, maybe this place isn’t that bad.”
But now it’s been a while since I’ve daydreamed about living somewhere else. And when CH talks about how nice it would be to retire to Hawaii, I find myself thinking, “I wonder if I’ll like living in Hawaii as much as I love living in Los Angeles?”
Sure there’s traffic, and smog, and all sorts of jackassery, but for whatever reason, I’m just head-over-heels in love with L.A. The other day, I was at Griffith Park Observatory and when I looked out at the smog covered skyline, I didn’t think “that’s terrible” but “that’s my city”
It took a good five years, but I guess it’s grown on me. Or maybe I’m just cold. It’s 30 degrees outside as I write this. Who wouldn’t want to get back to 60 degree weather.
How about you? Do you love the city that you’re currently living in? And if not, where would you most like to live if you didn’t have to worry about money or language barriers. Let us know in the comments.
BTW, tomorrow I’m going to start a “Best Comment of the Yesterday” feature. So definitely swing back for that.
I cannot say that I love living in Trenton, NJ. This could get me fired since my job is working to redevelop the City and by extension State so I should be it's biggest fab and I spend a lot of time chastising people for bashing it. But I am not bashing Trenton, NJ….I just do not LOVE living here. I'm not sure exactly where I would live if money was not an option, but I do know that it would be someplace warm and sunny. Maybe LA, which is warm and sunny but also close of my BFF Ernessa and my future goddaughter!
I cannot say that I love living in Trenton, NJ. This could get me fired since my job is working to redevelop the City and by extension State so I should be it's biggest fab and I spend a lot of time chastising people for bashing it. But I am not bashing Trenton, NJ….I just do not LOVE living here. I'm not sure exactly where I would live if money was not an option, but I do know that it would be someplace warm and sunny. Maybe LA, which is warm and sunny but also close of my BFF Ernessa and my future goddaughter!
While I certainly miss parts of LA (Los Feliz, Silverlake, represent!), my friends, Mexican food, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with Seattle. Every day it feels more and more like home….
While I certainly miss parts of LA (Los Feliz, Silverlake, represent!), my friends, Mexican food, I am truly, madly, deeply in love with Seattle. Every day it feels more and more like home….
I wish i felt like you. I hate LA and I do not want to raise my children here, but it is my only option for now. I would love to live back east in PA or CT. I loved State College because it is small, yet more diverse and liberal than most small towns because of the University, and there are 5 major cities within a days trip (NYC, DC, Baltimore, Philly and Pittsburgh).
I wish i felt like you. I hate LA and I do not want to raise my children here, but it is my only option for now. I would love to live back east in PA or CT. I loved State College because it is small, yet more diverse and liberal than most small towns because of the University, and there are 5 major cities within a days trip (NYC, DC, Baltimore, Philly and Pittsburgh).
i, too, heart los angeles. and that feels weird to admit. i love the weather (who doesn't), the food, the ocean, griffith park, the history (yes, there is history here), the cultural/social diversity, the accessibility to nearby cities (san francisco in particular)… what i don't like is what most folks don't like about most places: it's hard to meet new people. but that probably has more to do with me than it does with LA. i still think about moving back east to be near family, but i've definitely become attached to this crazy city.
i, too, heart los angeles. and that feels weird to admit. i love the weather (who doesn't), the food, the ocean, griffith park, the history (yes, there is history here), the cultural/social diversity, the accessibility to nearby cities (san francisco in particular)… what i don't like is what most folks don't like about most places: it's hard to meet new people. but that probably has more to do with me than it does with LA. i still think about moving back east to be near family, but i've definitely become attached to this crazy city.
I'm definitely leaving LA, but I love the city itself and I know I'll miss A LOT about it. My friends, Loteria, close proximity to Disney, no humidity, etc… but I also don't want to raise kids here (local kids are different here, and not in a good way, than normal kids even when raised by great parents…they are just…different…) and I too want want to be closer to family when that time comes around.
After visiting Savannah this weekend, I'm pretty sure I want to live there at some point in my life, but sooner than later would be good b/c EVERY house, loft and condo is for sale there right now!
I'm definitely leaving LA, but I love the city itself and I know I'll miss A LOT about it. My friends, Loteria, close proximity to Disney, no humidity, etc… but I also don't want to raise kids here (local kids are different here, and not in a good way, than normal kids even when raised by great parents…they are just…different…) and I too want want to be closer to family when that time comes around.
After visiting Savannah this weekend, I'm pretty sure I want to live there at some point in my life, but sooner than later would be good b/c EVERY house, loft and condo is for sale there right now!