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OMFG!!!! – This Just In

Remember that awesome twice-mentioned writer’s conference that I was barely able to attend because of the IVF egg retrieval that happened smack dab in the middle of the weekend?

Well, I just want to say that not only was the Los Angeles Southern California Writer’s Conference MORE than kind about re-scheduling all of my agent and editor appointments, but also I just found out that they gave me an award for Outstanding Fiction for my novel,  A Molly Ringwald Ending.

So, that’s a nice ego boost when I most needed it, and somewhat embarassingly, made me cry at work — though I suspect that has more to do with all the hormones I’m on than anything else. I’m still a cynical writer, so please don’t go around telling people I’ve gone soft.

Anyway, see the full list here. And find out more about the conference here.

Thanks, SCWC!