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One Last Thing Before We Go: Say It Ain’t So Scotty
A Proof of Nerd ID by Ryan Dixon
Devastating News
Dear friends,
It is my sad duty to inform you that on September 1, 2008, STAR TREK: THE EXPERIENCE at the Las Vegas Hilton closed its doors forever.
I know that for the many of you who enjoyed experiencing “Klingon Encounter” and “Borg Invasion 4D” while drinking a “Borg Sphere” or a “Warp Core Breach,” this news will come as a shock. And for those who never
got the chance to experience what was perhaps the greatest immersive interactive entertainment experience of its time, my heart goes out to you.
It’s hard to put into words the loss that I (and am sure, you) feel right now. But, as they say, life goes on and STAR TREK: THE EXPERIENCE will live forever in our memories.
All the best,
Farewell, Sweet Friend, Farewell
Cartoon Credit: Zanaq
I guess all good things must come to a end….
I guess all good things must come to a end….
I guess all good things must come to a end….
Sadly I never experienced the “experience”, but oddly enough, I did study it in college.
Sadly I never experienced the “experience”, but oddly enough, I did study it in college.
The first time I got to experience THE EXPERIENCE was on a field trip with CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center, so I guess various departments at CMU really liked putting it on the curriculum.
The first time I got to experience THE EXPERIENCE was on a field trip with CMU’s Entertainment Technology Center, so I guess various departments at CMU really liked putting it on the curriculum.
Yeah- I think my professor was the Technical Director on it! It is a small and geeky world…
Yeah- I think my professor was the Technical Director on it! It is a small and geeky world…
Luckily I experienced the Trek live and in person way back in ’98 (or was it ’99 and does that matter…nope.) From having a crush on Shatner while watching re-runs of the original as a teeny child, to sharing a cocktail with a Klingon and giggling, I’m a Star Trek nerd. This story breaks my heart as does the new film version re-writing Trek mythology as does the addition of new “special” effects to the DVD release of the original series. It’s more than the end of an era, it’s the end of the world as I know it. Trek, do not go Boldly into that good night, where no man has gone before.
Luckily I experienced the Trek live and in person way back in ’98 (or was it ’99 and does that matter…nope.) From having a crush on Shatner while watching re-runs of the original as a teeny child, to sharing a cocktail with a Klingon and giggling, I’m a Star Trek nerd. This story breaks my heart as does the new film version re-writing Trek mythology as does the addition of new “special” effects to the DVD release of the original series. It’s more than the end of an era, it’s the end of the world as I know it. Trek, do not go Boldly into that good night, where no man has gone before.
This week really does suck!!!! :-(
This week really does suck!!!! :-(
I dunno, Amy. I’m kind of looking forward to the JJ Abrams remix. You know, dust it off and all of that. I’m just no good at holding things sacred, I guess
My Star Trek experience happened at a Trek con in the 1970s when I ate too many candy apples and barfed on a Klingon.
My Star Trek experience happened at a Trek con in the 1970s when I ate too many candy apples and barfed on a Klingon.
My Star Trek experience happened at a Trek con in the 1970s when I ate too many candy apples and barfed on a Klingon.
Ok, I’ll conceed that Abrams pretty much rocked the Godzilla myth. But I still prefer old Shatner makkin on a blue alien belly dancer. It’s the only religion I have.
Ok, I’ll conceed that Abrams pretty much rocked the Godzilla myth. But I still prefer old Shatner makkin on a blue alien belly dancer. It’s the only religion I have.
Ok, I’ll conceed that Abrams pretty much rocked the Godzilla myth. But I still prefer old Shatner makkin on a blue alien belly dancer. It’s the only religion I have.