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One More Thing Before We Go: My Little Flossy
Okay, 2 things:
1) Definitely come back on Wednesday, b/c we have a new “Dork Lifestyle” from our resident comic artist, Missy Kulik going up then.
2) How freaking adorable are these embroidery floss ponies that she made? She’s still on the fence about whether to mass produce them, so if I were you I would go to her blog Rancho Cocoa and definitely encourage her to do so. This makes me want to take up cross-stitching again, and also, I would love to see and would definitely buy a dental floss pony, but first things first, I suppose.
not only should she mass produce them, but she should make ones of donkeys, cats, dogs, alligators, etc. SO cute. good for embroidery thread, but also if you made them a touch bigger, you could use them for yarn (and use them for gift wrap ribbon, etc). LOVE. Dental floss is a great idea too — but the thing is it wouldn't be sanitary since the floss is exposed (i know that sounds like me being a hypochondriac).
i used to have this cute little floss guy, but my boss stole him:×230/Otto-Dental-…
not only should she mass produce them, but she should make ones of donkeys, cats, dogs, alligators, etc. SO cute. good for embroidery thread, but also if you made them a touch bigger, you could use them for yarn (and use them for gift wrap ribbon, etc). LOVE. Dental floss is a great idea too — but the thing is it wouldn't be sanitary since the floss is exposed (i know that sounds like me being a hypochondriac).
i used to have this cute little floss guy, but my boss stole him:×230/Otto-Dental-…
I made some more Flossys! Please look at my Etsy shop! Now there is FLossy the Unicorn, FLossy the Dachshund, and another Flossy the Pony. They are all made form lovely bamboo wood!
I made some more Flossys! Please look at my Etsy shop! Now there is FLossy the Unicorn, FLossy the Dachshund, and another Flossy the Pony. They are all made form lovely bamboo wood!